The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,48

your aunt now.”

Grant nodded. When the man was gone, he glanced around the table at the others, who had listened in silence.

Dougal seemed relieved. “I’m glad you’re willing to forgive our aunt, my lady. For she’s been like a mother to us all these years.”

“So your brother has told me. And like a mother, she is fearful of what she doesn’t understand. My family has long known that we are feared in your world because of our gifts.”

“Tell me about them.” Dougal began polishing off a joint of fowl, while emptying his goblet. He ate with a boyish enthusiasm that had Kylia grinning.

Seeing her watching him, he paused. “What is it, my lady?”

She shook her head. “It’s just that I’m unaccustomed to seeing anyone eat with such glee.”

“Don’t the men in your kingdom enjoy their food?”

Again she laughed. “There are no men in the Mystical Kingdom. Well, except for Jeremy, but I’m not sure a troll is the same as a man.”

“A troll?” The food was forgotten as he stared at her in surprise. “There truly are such things as a trolls?”

“I know of only one.”

“Aren’t they nasty little mythical creatures that sleep under bridges and live off the kindness of others?”

“Jeremy is as sweet as a bairn. Though he has confessed to being quite angry when he lived in this world. But he has forgiven those who taunted him. As has Bessie.”

“Is Bessie a troll, too?”

“Nay.” Kylia laughed, a clear sweet sound that had Grant smiling along with her. “Bessie looks like an old crone, all stooped over, with a hunched back and crooked, almost fearsome features, but she cooks like an angel and has the disposition of a saint. Before my family fled this land, we encountered Jeremy and Bessie living in dire circumstances, and made them part of our family. When we left for our kingdom they chose to go with us, since they had nowhere else to go.”

“You weren’t afraid of them?” Dougal asked.

“Nay. For my mum and gram taught us that we must look beyond the face that one shows to the world, and see what is in the heart.”

Giles shook his head. “You continually surprise me, my lady. If all of us could follow that advice, this world would be a better place.”

Dougal polished off yet another joint of fowl and leaned back. “I want to hear all about your kingdom, my lady.”

“Another time.” Grant drained his goblet and got to his feet. “Now we must meet with the Council, for there is much business to discuss.” He touched a hand to Kylia’s shoulder. “Perhaps you’d care to explore the castle a bit, my lady.”

She closed a hand over his. “I’d like that.”

As they started away Giles paused. “The castle gardens are lovely this time of year, my dear. I’ve heard you have a wolf pup that might enjoy the freedom to run.”

“Aye. I’ve named him Wee Lad. I thank you, Lord Giles.”

Kylia watched them walk away, then got to her feet. Hadn’t Culver said that Hazlet walked the gardens each day while she prayed? If she were ever to make peace with the woman, she’d best start now.

The rain had fled, leaving the gardens green and the stones that lined the pathways sparkling in the sunlight. Wee Lad ran ahead, stopping to sniff at all the strange, new things. As Kylia followed more slowly along the hedgerows, she was soon caught up in the peace of her surroundings. Roses grew in profusion, as well as colorful foxglove, lady’s mantle and fragrant lavender. There were fountains where birds splashed, and stone benches inviting her to pause and enjoy the beauty. While the pup chased a butterfly, she sat, listening to the flow of water and filling her lungs with the wonderful perfume of the flowers.

It pleased her to know that the people in Grant’s world enjoyed the same simple pleasures that she had always enjoyed in hers. She smiled at the antics of Wee Lad as he stood very still, watching a family of birds that spread their wings and hopped about, enjoying their bath.

She was so lost in the sight of the pup’s antics, as he dashed into the fountain and chased the birds, she was startled when a robed figure entered her line of vision. Hazlet, in the familiar veil and headdress, walked with her head down, her lips moving in silent prayer.

When she caught sight of Kylia seated on the stone bench, she looked around wildly, as though planning to flee. Copyright 2016 - 2024