The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,47

said it had taken over her mind.” He tipped up Kylia’s chin and stared into her troubled eyes. “Don’t let her words turn you against me, my love.”

“How could I ever?”


“Aye. But I ask a promise of you in return.”


She sighed. “Don’t shut your aunt out of your life.”

He drew back. “You heard the words she hurled at me. At us. She insulted the woman I love. How can I continue to allow her to do so?”

Kylia touched a finger to his lips. “Listen to me, my love. For all Hazlet’s anger, I feel she is deeply troubled by something from her past. Perhaps she fears that Ranald didn’t love her enough. If that’s so, I can assure her he did.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Come.” She caught his hand and led him toward her pallet. “I’ll tell you about my dream.”

The smile was back in his eyes; the warmth in his voice. “Aye. I’ll gladly listen.” He drew his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to the hollow of her throat. “And when you’ve finished, I’ll show you all the wonderful things I’ve been dreaming about.”

Chapter Fifteen

“My lady.”

A knock on the door of her chambers, and a muffled voice from the other side, had Kylia sitting up in confusion. Beside her, Grant folded an arm beneath his head and frowned.

His voice was sleep roughened. “Tell Ardis to go away.”

Kylia looked alarmed. “How can I do that, my lord? It’s her duty to help me prepare for the day.”

He drew her down and brushed a kiss over her cheek, sending heat curling all the way to her toes. “Tell her to come back when the sun is high.”

Kylia lifted her head and glanced at the balcony. “It’s been raining all night. The sun may not come out for hours.”

“Even better.” He ran a hand down her hair and growled against her lips, “Send her away. I’m not ready to leave you, my love.”

Kylia sighed. “I simply cannot lie.”

“Then tell her the truth.”

Seeing the challenge in his eyes, she turned to the door and called, “Come back later, Ardis. I’m not ready to leave my pallet yet.”

“Aye, my lady.”

As Ardis’s footsteps receded, Kylia caught sight of the wide smile that split Grant’s lips. “That was no lie, for I’m not ready to leave yet.”

“A good thing.” He dragged her into his arms and kissed her until they were both breathless. “For after that dream you shared with me last night, I’m feeling even more inclined to spend every precious day doing something pleasurable, in order to store up memories for the bad times.”

“What makes you think there will be bad times, my lord?”

“Right now—” he ran soft, wet kisses down her throat “—it’s impossible to think at all, my love.”

And then, as the castle hummed with activity beyond the door, the two of them slipped away to a warm, snug cocoon of soft sighs and gentle kisses.

“Good morrow, Grant.” Dougal hurried across the great hall to clap a hand on his brother’s shoulder before bowing to Kylia. “My lady. I hope you slept well on your first night under our roof.”

“I did, thank you.” Kylia could feel her cheeks color as she walked to the table between Grant and his younger brother. She looked up at the men who were awaiting them at table. “Good morrow, Finlay, Culver. Lord Giles.”

The three men were on their feet and bowing over her hand.

“My lady.” Giles beamed. “You are truly a sight for these old eyes.”

“You say that to all the pretty maidens,” Finlay said dryly. He turned to Kylia. “But in your case, my lady, the man does not exaggerate. You look refreshed.”

“I am, thank you.” She took her seat beside Grant and accepted a goblet of hot mulled wine from a servant.

Grant turned to Culver. “Where is my aunt?”

“She decided to break her fast in her chambers.” The older man looked uncomfortable as he added, “She thought it best.”

“Will you convey to her that I desire her company at table when we sup tonight?”

“I will, my lord.” Culver seemed surprised and more than a little pleased. “Does this mean that you bear her no ill will?”

“I’m still smarting from her words, but the lady Kylia begged a favor, and I cannot refuse. For the sake of this good woman, I request my aunt’s company.”

Culver bowed slightly to Kylia. “You are as wise as you are lovely, my lady.” He turned to Grant. “By your leave, I’ll convey your request to Copyright 2016 - 2024