The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,38

Grant and the look in her eyes instantly softened. “I could see the goodness in his heart. That alone persuaded me.”

Hazlet set aside her cup with a clatter. “You have yet to ask about your kinsmen, nephew. Have you no care about the safety of your people?”

Grant looked up. “Has there been an incident?”

“No one was harmed,” Dougal said quickly.

“But our kinsmen were left without leadership while you pursued your folly. There have been sheep stolen in the night. An innocent lad was feared kidnapped by barbarians. The men of the Council have been muttering among themselves that their laird has failed them.” Hazlet’s tone lowered. “Dougal took charge as quickly as he could, but the people have a right to expect their laird to be here to put an end to these problems. There are those who believe it is time for you to step aside in favor of your brother.”

“Aunt.” Dougal’s face reddened and he crossed the room to place a hand on his brother’s sleeve. “I want you to know that I have no interest in taking your place as laird of our people. These few days have been enough to try my patience.”

Grant smiled and patted his hand. “I thank you, Dougal.” He lifted his head. “And you, Aunt. I thank you for your honesty. I will think on the words you’ve spoken, for the welfare of my people must be uppermost in my mind. If I believe in my heart that I am failing my kinsmen, I will surely step aside in favor of one who would better serve them.”

He glanced over at Kylia, who was watching and listening in silence. “The lady will want to refresh herself.” Grant offered his hand and Kylia got to her feet. “Perhaps, Aunt Hazlet, you’d care to show our guest to her chambers?”

His aunt shook her head, sending the ever-present veil drifting about her shoulders. “I must see that riders are sent out to the village to invite our kinsmen to your feast. They will want to see for themselves that you are indeed safely returned. Ardis will show the lady to her rooms.”

A little serving wench stepped forward. “If you’ll follow me, my lady.”

Grant squeezed Kylia’s hand. “Go along then. Ardis will return you to the great hall when the feast is ready. In the meantime, you’ll have time to rest from your journey.”

Kylia nodded. “Thank you.” When she turned to thank his aunt, she saw only the hem of her gown as Hazlet hurried from the room.

She followed behind the little servant. At the top of the stairs they walked along a hallway lined with fresh tapers. The floors, Kylia noted, were spotless, as were the walls.

The young servant paused to open double doors, then stood aside while Kylia entered. Inside, the room smelled of beeswax and fresh rushes. A cozy fire burned on the hearth. In the sleeping chamber beyond, another fire burned, warming a lovely pallet lined with fur throws and fresh linens. A serving table nearby held a tray upon which rested a pitcher and basin.

Kylia turned to the servant. “This is lovely.”

“Thank you, my lady.” Ardis stood aside as a procession of servants entered. One folded a thick blanket in front of the fireplace, before positioning a tub on it. The others poured steaming water from buckets, until the tub was nearly full.

When they were gone, Ardis held out her arms. “May I take your burden, my lady?”

Kylia handed over the bundle and the wench gave a delighted laugh at the sight of the wolf pup yawning.

“You may place Wee Lad on my pallet, Ardis. He’s still young enough that he requires a great deal of sleep.”

“Aye, my lady.” The wench set the bundle down, then helped Kylia remove her cloak, her boots and, at last, her gown and chemise.

Kylia stepped into the warm water and gave a sigh of pleasure as the little servant scrubbed her hair. “Oh, Ardis, I could stay here all night.”

“Was it a difficult journey, my lady?”

Kylia realized that now that she had arrived at Grant’s home, the trials and tribulations of their journey had slipped away.

“It matters not, Ardis. For now that I am here, I can put the journey behind me.”

She stepped from the tub and wrapped herself in a thick blanket before settling on a chaise. When she was comfortably seated, the servant poured strong hot tea and offered it to her.

“Rest now, my lady. I will come for you when it is time Copyright 2016 - 2024