The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,37

door and stood aside allowing them all to enter. “While Mester prepares a feast, I’ll fetch tea and ale to the great hall.”

As Kylia stepped inside, she drank in the sight of soaring staircases, highly polished banisters, and a massive chandelier with its hundreds of candles casting their light from ceilings high overhead, supported by massive wooden beams. Ancient tapestries, depicting the history of the MacCallum clan, lined the walls.

At the far end of the hallway were ornately carved doors leading to a chapel. The sweet smell of incense drifted from within.

Grant suddenly paused and caught Kylia’s hand in his. Those around them looked on in startled silence as he lifted it to his lips and said almost reverently, “May you find the warmth of welcome in my home, my lady.”

Chapter Twelve

At the sudden silence that fell over those around them, Dougal clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You mustn’t keep this lovely lady all to yourself.” He turned to Kylia and offered his arm. “Permit me to lead you to our great hall, my lady.”

Charmed by his boyish enthusiasm, Kylia laid a hand on his arm and walked beside him. Laughing, Grant offered his arm to his aunt.

She stepped back. “I’ll be along in a moment.”

Grant watched as she made her way to the chapel, where she dropped to her knees. With a shake of his head he trailed behind the others.

Once inside the great hall they settled themselves in chairs drawn close to the fire. Within minutes servants moved among them, offering ale to revive them after their arduous journey.

Kylia studied the crossed swords above the mantel, and the shield bearing the motto, In ardua petit.

She smiled. “He has attempted difficult things.” She glanced at Grant. “Do these words speak of your father? Or one who went before him?”

“They refer to my father’s father, who decreed that all those who follow would achieve greatness, if only they would attempt the difficult challenges.”

“A noble heritage, my lord.”

“Aye. Alas, my father died far too young to achieve the greatness he desired.”

Hazlet, who had entered alone, arched a brow as she studied Kylia. “How is it that you can read the ancient words. Are you an educated woman?”

“My mother and grandmother saw to my education and that of my sisters. The ancient words are as familiar to me as the words we are now speaking.”

Hazlet accepted tea from a servant. “Then you would understand the other motto of our clan, the one my nephew should have inscribed along with the words of our ancestor.” She enunciated each word precisely. “Deus refugium nostrum.”

Kylia nodded. “God is our refuge.”

“I’m surprised you can speak His name, since everyone knows that witches worship devils.”

“Aunt.” As much surprised as annoyed, Grant set aside his ale. “I’ll remind you that the lady Kylia is a guest of this fortress, and is here at my invitation.”

Kylia touched a hand to his before turning to the older woman. “You need have no fear, my lady. I share the same beliefs as you.”

“But surely you go against all that is good and holy by practicing your witchcraft.”

Kylia saw the servants pause in their work to study her, and chose her words carefully. “What we do is share our gifts with those who have need of them. When your nephew came to our kingdom in search of aid, I offered to do what I could.”

“Through witchcraft,” Hazlet muttered as she folded her hands in her lap.

Attempting to smooth the rough waters, Dougal turned to his brother. “I want to hear all about your journey. Is there truly a dragon guarding the lady’s kingdom?”

“Aye. Unfortunately, I was forced to slay it.”

“A battle with a dragon.” Dougal’s eyes danced with undisguised excitement. “How I wish I could have been there to see it.”

Grant felt the sting of remorse. “It’s a pity that you were needed here in my stead, and weren’t able to share the adventure. It is something I deeply regret.”

“No more than I. But you were unharmed,” Dougal said with a trace of pride. “And you’ve returned to those who love you.”

Grant chuckled. “In fact, I was badly wounded. When first I confronted Kylia, I was so weak I fell at her feet. She and her family healed my wounds and made me welcome in their home.”

“You are healers?” Hazlet’s head came up sharply.

Kylia nodded. “We do what we can.”

Dougal asked Kylia. “How did my brother persuade you to leave your kingdom and accompany him to the Highlands?”

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