The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,35

just minutes later, the rain ceased and the sun slipped from behind angry clouds.

“Did you do this?” His tone was incredulous.

“I wished it.” She gave him a shy smile. “But I also asked my mum and gram to do what they could. Their powers are far greater than mine.”

Grant shook his head. “You constantly amaze me, Kylia. What other powers have you failed to mention?”

She gave him an impish smile. “The truth is, I have no idea, for in my kingdom our powers seemed limitless. I just assumed everyone had them. Now that I’m in your land, I realize that much of what we took for granted there is absent here.”

“How do you explain it?”

She shrugged. “Mum told us that there was a time when all people had the gifts of healing, of knowledge, of sight. But some abused their gifts, using them for personal gain. Some used their gifts against others, causing a great war that brought death and destruction to the land. Afterward, those who had started the war found their gifts had diminished. They became jealous of those who still had the gifts, and persuaded those like themselves to turn against the gifted ones, calling them witches. Many like us were hunted and killed. Others were imprisoned until they renounced their powers.”

“And that’s why your family fled to the Mystical Kingdom?”

Kylia nodded. “When we were just children, my sister Allegra took pity on the mother of a lad who had drowned. Allegra brought the lad back from that other world, and though his mother rejoiced, there were many who were scandalized. After being warned that we might be imprisoned as witches, we fled in the night.”

Grant shook his head. “What fools are we, that we would drive away the kindest creatures I’ve ever known?”

Kylia felt her heart swell at his words. Perhaps, if enough of his kind agreed with him, her family could one day return to this land and live without fear of punishment. It would be so grand to share their knowledge of healing, to put an end to war and hunger and mistrust among people.

But a part of her remained unconvinced. The barbarians they had encountered along the way had no desire for peace. And even one of Grant’s own people had betrayed him. Was it possible to live in peace as long as there were evil ones among them?

“Look, Kylia.” As they crested a ridge Grant reined in his mount and pointed.

“Is this your home?”

“It is. The village is known as Duncrune. My home is Duncrune Castle.”

There was a softness in his tone, a tenderness that spoke, more than any words, what was in his heart.

She studied the rolling meadows, abloom with heather. In the valley was a lovely little village, with thatched-roof huts. Each home had a little garden and sturdy outbuildings. In the distance were green fields dotted with flocks of sheep. And standing on the highest ridge was a turreted fortress glistening in the afternoon sun.

She closed her hands over his, gripping the reins. “It’s beautiful, Grant.”

At her words he felt the curl of pleasure and knew that he’d been waiting for her reaction. It mattered more to him than he cared to admit.

“It has been in our clan for generations. And has been my home since I was born. It would pain me to lose it to another.”

She turned slightly so she could look into his eyes. “You’ll not lose your ancestral home to another. Not without a fight.”

He couldn’t help smiling. “You constantly surprise me, my lady. I didn’t know you were capable of such fierceness.”

“Only where you are concerned, my lord.”

He bent close to brush a kiss over her cheek, sending heat spiraling down her spine. “Such loyalty. May it always be thus, Kylia. And may I always be deserving of it.”

As he urged his horse along the village lane, and the people realized the laird had returned, they began waving and calling. Women peered from upper windows or paused while hanging their clothes to wave and shout. Crofters and tradesmen and farmers stopped their chores to lift their hats in greeting. Children halted their games to stare in openmouthed surprise as the laird and the fine lady rode past.

As Kylia watched, she had no doubt of the real warmth and affection of these people for their laird. They appeared to be truly delighted that he had returned to them. Who among them would betray him?

As the horse drew near the castle it broke into a gallop, Copyright 2016 - 2024