The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,34

fur. “May I take him along?”

Grant looked doubtful. “He’s a wild creature. He belongs in the forest with others like himself.”

“But his wounds aren’t yet healed. If we leave him here, he’ll have no defense against his predators. Please, Grant. He’s so small and helpless.”

Grant looked into those pleading blue eyes and knew he’d already lost the battle. He would give her anything she asked, no matter the cost. “Bring him along. Though I’ve no doubt the hounds at my fortress will soon send him running back to the forest to escape their wrath.”

“Perhaps he’ll prove you wrong.” She bundled the pup into her arms and moved along beside Grant as he carried the saddle toward his mount.

“So, my sweet Kylia.” While he saddled his horse, he glanced at her. “Will the wolf become tame? Or will he lure the hounds to the wilderness?”

“Why can they not coexist? Who’s to say they can’t learn from each other?”

They both knew they weren’t speaking only of the creature in her arms. They came from such diverse worlds. And yet, somehow, they’d managed to find common ground in their love.

He looked down at the little ball of sleeping fur. “I suppose you’ve already given him a name?”

“Aye. Wee Lad.”

“Wee Lad. And what will you do when he’s not so wee?”

“Then I shall call him simply Lad.”

“I suppose you’ll start thinking of him as your child.”

“Perhaps. Who’s to say?”

As rain pelted them, he lifted her to the saddle and pulled himself up behind her. When he took up the reins, he felt again the way his body strained toward hers.

This thing between them was far from ended. Loving her had only made him hunger for more.

He ought to be grateful for the storm. It would keep his mind off the storm raging inside him. Even now, when he should have been sated, it was there. The thunder of need, the lightning of desire, the likes of which had never been seen before.

For now, he would have to be content to shelter her body with his, even though it meant hours of torment while he breathed her in and wanted her with a desperation that bordered on sheer madness.

The rain fell for hours while their horse picked its way across moss-covered boulders and slippery ravines. They kept to the cover of the forest, which offered them scant shelter from the storm.

By the time dawn painted the sky with touches of light, Grant pointed to a cave. “We’ll stop here awhile and refresh ourselves.”

Kylia was grateful when he lifted her from the saddle. She placed the pup on the floor of the cave and unfolded their precious bundle of food. Soon they were warmed by a fire, and soothed by the first food they’d eaten in hours.

Grant watched as Kylia offered tiny pieces of cold mutton to the pup. After only a few bites the little eyes closed once more. Though weak, the animal seemed to be breathing easier.

Grant knelt before her with a knowing smile on his lips. “I know I promised to take you to the shelter of my fortress. But first, my love, I must taste your lips again.”

She drew back, laughing. “You know where this will lead, my lord.”

“Aye. Where it led us all through the night.” He drew her close with a growl of pleasure. “But it’s only an hour more. And this hunger is so great.”

“It is the same for me…”

And then there were no more words as they came together in a firestorm of passion.

“I’ll hold Wee Lad until you’re seated, my love.” Grant reached for the sleeping cub and helped Kylia into the saddle before pulling himself up behind her and handing her the precious bundle. He urged their mount forward, wishing he could spare Kylia this discomfort, for they were again facing into the bleak, bitter rain.

Not once had she uttered a word of complaint. Yet he’d felt her shiver, despite the warmth of her cloak.

Against her temple he muttered, “If you could but tame this weather, our journey would be easier. I suppose what I’m asking is only possible in your kingdom.”

She turned her head slightly and gave him a smile. “Why didn’t you say you wished the rain to stop? I thought perhaps your people needed it for their crops.”

“They do. But I’d just as soon it rained on the morrow, so our journey today would be less tedious.”

Kylia fell silent, and Grant concentrated on the steep trail ahead of them. He was surprised when, Copyright 2016 - 2024