The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,29

“I’m not tired. In fact, I feel strangely invigorated. Perhaps it’s the presence of the wolf pup.” Even as she said the words, she felt shamed, knowing the pup was only a tiny part of these strange feelings. The real reason for the tumult in her heart was the man standing before her. He could rouse her, lift her, seduce her with but a look. Because it wasn’t possible for her to lie, or even evade the truth, she blurted, “Nay, it isn’t the presence of the pup. It’s you, my lord.”

He stepped back, eyeing her with a puzzled frown. “What are you saying?”

“I’m not feeling invigorated because of the wolf pup, but because of you.” She took a step closer, narrowing the distance between them. She lifted a finger to his mouth. Just the merest touch, but she felt its repercussions clear to her toes. “It’s knowing we’re alone here.”

Grant was determined to ignore the rush of heat. But there was no ignoring the way his heart was pumping furiously. “You’re in a strange new land, far away from home and family for the first time, my lady. That is the only reason you can’t sleep.”

“Deny it if you must, my lord. But I know what my heart is feeling.”

She saw him go very still.

When at last he spoke, even his tone was hushed. “What is your heart feeling, my lady?”

“Strangely elated. As though on the verge of some new and wonderful discovery.” She traced the outline of his mouth with her finger.

He closed his hand around her wrist, stopping the movement. His eyes were narrowed on her with such intensity she felt a quick twist of fear.

“Do you know what happens when you tempt a sleeping wolf, my lady?”

When she said nothing, he whispered, “You become its prey. The wolf, once awakened, devours you.”

He released her hand and turned away. His snub was like a knife to her heart.

Over his shoulder, he said softly, “Go now and rest for the morrow’s journey.”

Kylia felt tears spring to her eyes and brushed them away with the back of her hand. She watched as Grant took up his sword and stepped back into the shadows. As she started toward the fire, she blinked away the rest of her tears. She would not permit herself to weep over this man. Nor any man.

If she’d thought he would simply take what she offered, she was sadly mistaken.

She had, she realized, a great deal to learn about his world.

Chapter Ten

Grant stalked off into the darkness, filled with feelings of self-revulsion. He’d seen the pain in her eyes when he’d rejected what she was offering. But how could he allow himself to take advantage of her, when she had no idea what she was doing? If she wouldn’t protect herself, someone had to. Foolish female. She’d spent a lifetime in paradise, where there existed no false pretense or dishonesty. How could she hope to survive in a land where such things thrived? Added to that, after only days away from her family, she had convinced herself that she was in love.

Love. If only it were so. He’d never met a finer woman. So sweet, so gentle, so generous with her gifts. It hurt him to hurt her, for she deserved only good things. But it was better this way. He would cut her off, quickly, deeply, to save her from even greater pain later.

But if her pain were anything like his, he hoped one day she would forgive him. For right now, this minute, he would give anything to forget about honor and integrity and simply take what she’d offered. He wanted her so desperately, it was a wonder that his heart was still beating. In truth, death would be preferable to this pain.

With a muttered oath he clenched the dirk at his side and almost prayed he would find some creature to fight. There was nothing like a good, satisfying battle to take his mind off what he really wanted to do.

Kylia drew her cloak around her and stormed back toward the campfire, her mind in turmoil. Was that how the lord of the MacCallum clan saw her? A foolish female seeking the thrill of a mere kiss?

She’d come offering him her heart. Did he have any idea what it had cost her to admit the truth? To bare her soul to him. Yet he had calmly, coldly rejected it. Rejected her.

He may have wrapped his rejection in pretty words about a wolf and Copyright 2016 - 2024