The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,28

or even sleeping.”

“I came to you in your sleep?”

She looked away. “Many times.”

He didn’t know why that should please him, but it did. “Did I ever speak to you?”

She shook her head. “I never heard your voice until you washed up on our shore, but I…”

A chilling cry sounded from the depth of the forest.

Grant’s hand was at the dirk at his waist even as he got to his feet and spun around.

“What was that, my lord?”

“I know not.” He helped her to stand and led her away from the fire. “Keep to the shadows until I return.”

Kylia felt her heart thundering as he walked away. Every minute that he was gone from her felt like an eternity. She imagined every sort of vicious creature lurking in the darkness, waiting to devour him. But as the silence stretched out, she began to fear that perhaps the barbarians had returned and had already attacked, leaving him alone and lying in his own blood somewhere in the forest.

He’d ordered her to stay. But what if he needed her? What good would she do him here, cowering in fear?

Just as she was about to follow, he stepped from the forest carrying a small bundle in his arms.

“What is this?” Kylia peered down at a mass of blood and matted fur.

“It appears to be a wolf pup. It must have wandered from the safety of its den and was attacked by a predator.” Grant laid the pup down on the fur throw and began to pour the contents of his flask of water over the wounds. He looked up. “Puncture wounds. Deep. From the talons of an eagle, perhaps. I doubt the pup can survive. ’Twould be best if I ended its misery quickly.”

Kylia knelt beside him and began to probe the wounds. She could feel the shallow breaths of the animal, and the trembling as shock set in. The pup’s eyes closed, as though ready to accept its fate.

She moved aside their food and began wrapping the pup in the fur throw. Then she lifted the bundle in her arms and sat with her back against the trunk of a tree, crooning softly.

Grant dropped to one knee beside her. “You needn’t do this, my lady. It’s but a small creature of the wild. Death comes often here in the forests of the Highlands. You need to save yourself for the daunting task ahead.”

She shook her head, sending dark curls dancing. “No life is insignificant, my lord. Even one such as this. Rest now, while I do what I can.”

Instead of lying beside the fire he got to his feet and began to walk just outside the circle of firelight. He told himself it was because he wanted to see to their safety. But there was no denying the real reason. He needed to keep his distance from the lovely Kylia. Whenever he got too close, he was torn by the temptation to take what he had no right to. Just kneeling beside her, watching her cradle a wounded animal in her arms, had him thinking about things that were better left alone.

And so, while she rocked and crooned to a simple wolf pup, he stayed in the shadows and watched from a distance. And hoped with all his heart that when this was finished, and they had accomplished what they sought in his kingdom, he could return her to hers as he’d found her. Unspoiled by the evils of his world.

The night had grown silent. Except for the hooting of a nearby owl, and the gentle whisper of the breeze among the leaves, the forest creatures slept.

Kylia brushed a finger over the soft fur of the wolf pup and was rewarded by a quick lick of its tongue. This time when it closed its eyes, it wasn’t to face death, but peaceful rest.

Drawing the fur throw around the sleeping creature, she laid it close to the fire for warmth before crossing the distance to the bubbling stream. There she knelt and scooped water to her mouth. Satisfied, she got to her feet and brushed down her skirts. As she turned, she saw a shadow looming over her and gave a gasp of alarm.

“My lord.” Recognizing Grant, she sighed. “You startled me.”

“Forgive me. How does the pup fare?”

“His wounds are healing. He’s sleeping as peacefully as a baby.”

“You should be doing the same. Our journey on the morrow will be long and arduous, if we’re to reach my fortress before dark.”

She tossed her head. Copyright 2016 - 2024