The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,26

again. To be breathing in the soft, womanly scent of her that had become such an important part of him on this journey.

She turned her head slightly and found his lips brushing her temple. It was a jolt to her system.

“How far to your home, my lord?”

“Another day.” His voice lowered with feeling. “Another night.” The thought of spending another night alone with her had his blood heating.

Kylia felt the skitter along her spine and wondered, as she did so often, whether he felt such things, too. Or was it different for a man? Especially one as worldly as Grant.

She glanced at his face, but could read nothing in his eyes. She turned her face to the wind and breathed deeply, filling her lungs.

“Tell me about your home and family, my lord, for I’m eager to know all I can about them.”

“I don’t recall my father or mother, since both died before my second year of life. But I’ve been told that my father was a great warrior. His name is still spoken with awe among our kinsmen. It’s said he was fearless in battle, and a fearsome foe to those who crossed him. Still, he was a fair man, and a kind one, who opened his home to widows and orphans.”

“You mentioned an aunt who lives with you.”

He nodded. “Hazlet, my father’s sister. She was betrothed to his trusted friend, Ranald. When both men died on the field of battle, she was filled with grief, and took to her chambers. But when Hazlet learned that my mother’s grief had brought the birth pains too soon, she went to my mother’s room and stayed with her—” his tone softened, and Kylia could hear the warmth of affection in it “—until she was safely delivered of my brother, Dougal.”

“You love him very much.”

“Aye. How could I not? He and I have spent every waking hour together since the day he was born.”

She nodded in understanding, for it had been the same with her and her sisters. “And your aunt? Did she never marry?”

“Hazlet’s love and grief were such that she would never permit another man to win her heart. She was nurse to Dougal, and trusted advisor to us both as we grew to manhood.”

“She must be very proud that you have been elevated to laird of your clan, as your father before you.”

He was silent for long moments before saying, “Perhaps, by the time I return, I will no longer be laird. The council of elders has the power to bestow the title on another in my stead.”

“Would they do that without giving you the opportunity to speak in your own defense?”

“I know not. But this I know. I would rather die than bring dishonor to my father’s name.”

Kylia fell silent, for she understood the depth of his pain. The love she felt for her family was so great she would gladly face death over dishonor.

It was, she realized, one more reason why this man had begun to mean so much to her. They shared not only a love for family, but also a fierce desire to do the right thing, the honorable thing, for the sake of those who loved them.

Chapter Nine

“Look, my lady.”

They had been climbing steadily all day. Now, as they crested yet another hill and looked out over a Highland meadow, the sun was obscured behind a distant mountain peak. Fingers of mauve and orchid and deep purple slanted across the land, casting long shadows from gnarled trees and tumbled rocks.

“Amazing.” Kylia’s voice was whispered, in deference to the majesty of the scene spread out before her. “There’s such a wild, primitive look to it.”

“Aye. And always it stirs my heart.” Grant brought his mount to a halt and sat for long moments, drinking in the scene.

At last he slid from the animal’s back before reaching up to her. He lifted her from the saddle and she felt the quick sizzle of excitement along her spine as his arms came around her. When he set her on her feet, she stood perfectly still, breathing deeply to clear her mind.

He tethered the horse and removed the blanket roll from behind the saddle. “I’ll get a fire going, my lady, and then see about finding something to eat.”

While he built a fire, Kylia forced herself to move. Needing something to do, she unrolled the fur throw, intending to shake it before spreading it on the grass. She looked down in surprise at the sight of several bundles inside. Copyright 2016 - 2024