The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,25

fare was simple, they sat around the fire, savoring the food, and the chance to finally relax in one another’s company. Soon the children were asleep, tucked into the folds of Kylia’s cloak. Grant and Ewald shared sips from the jug of spirits, while Kylia and Flora drank strong tea and chatted softly as darkness gathered over the land.

Later, as Kylia drifted off to sleep beside the fire, she saw Grant take up his vigil near the flock. Though she longed to join him, she was forced to give in to her weariness. She slept in the knowledge that he would keep watch through the night, and see to their safety. There was such comfort in the fact that this strong man was watching out for all of them.

At first light Grant hitched his horse to the cart before helping Ewald and the children into the back, which was lined with Kylia’s cloak. Then he helped Flora up to the hard seat and handed her the reins.

As the horse and cart started forward, Grant and Kylia urged the flock to follow, while they walked slowly behind, keeping an eye out for any stragglers.

The journey took the better part of a day, and they reached the village of the clan Kerr shortly before dusk. Long before they arrived, men on horseback had spotted them. While some remained to accompany them, others raced ahead to carry word to their families that they were on their way. By the time they arrived, the entire village had assembled on the green to greet them with a feast.

And what a feast. There were platters of mutton and fish, as well as a whole roasted stag. There were tarts and biscuits, and scones heavy with currants and berries. There were hundreds of questions, and warm embraces from the young couple’s family, as Grant and Kylia were warmly thanked for saving their lives and returning them safely to their village.

Through it all Grant and Kylia smiled and acknowledged their words with as much grace as they could manage. But soon the heat and the food and the knowledge that they were finally safe had their eyes heavy and their heads bobbing.

With much ceremony they were escorted to the finest hut in the village and taken to separate sleeping chambers, where they were helped out of their filthy clothes and into warm baths before being offered beds of softest fur.

The women of the village vied for the honor of washing their clothes and preparing them for the morrow’s journey. But while the women chatted, and the men drank their spirits and spoke in whispers about the beautiful young woman and great laird who had rescued one of their own, Grant and Kylia were oblivious to all but the sweet dreams that played through their minds as they slept.

“How can I ever thank you, my lady?” As the entire village gathered to bid goodbye to their visitors, Flora stepped forward to catch Kylia’s hand and lift it to her lips. “Without your kindness, we would have surely perished at the hands of the barbarians.”

“I require no thanks, Flora.” Refreshed from her night of sleep, restored by the luxury of a bath and fine food, Kylia embraced her new friend. Her clothes, and even her hair smelled of rainwater and evergreen. Her smile was as bright as the sun. “I rejoice that you and your family are now safely home with your clan.”

“That is my wish for you, as well, my lady. May you soon be safely home with those who love you.”

Klyia thought about the sweet paradise she called home, and realized with a pang just how much she missed it. Though she had willingly undertaken this journey, her beloved Mystical Kingdom was never far from her thoughts.

She accepted the hooded cloak from one of the women and tossed it over her shoulders before being helped into the saddle of Grant’s steed. After taking leave of all the men who stood in a circle, Grant pulled himself up behind her and caught up the reins.

“Watch your back,” Ewald called, offering his hand in friendship. “The barbarians may come seeking revenge.”

“I’ll take care. Now I must return to my own people, for I’ve been away from them too long.” Amid calls from the villagers, Grant flicked the reins and the horse took off with a flurry of hoofbeats.

As they left the village behind, Grant couldn’t resist pressing his face to Kylia’s hair. It felt so good to be holding her Copyright 2016 - 2024