The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,20

I know they may have already called a council to declare another leader in my stead.”

As they came up over a rise they caught sight of a flock of sheep grazing in the meadow. Several figures could be seen moving among the animals.

Grant veered off the path he’d been following, urging his horse into a thick stand of trees. He slid to the ground and reached up to lift Kylia down.

“Stay here.” His voice held a hint of steel as he pulled himself into the saddle.

Surprised, Kylia stared at him in bewilderment. “Where are you going?”

“To stop those thieves from stealing sheep.”

She caught his arm. “How do you know they’re thieves? Perhaps they live in that cottage across the meadow.”

He pointed to the plume of dark smoke curling above a thatched roof, forming a haze on the horizon. “Peasants and sheepherders don’t burn their own cottages, my lady. That can only be the work of villains.”

“They’ve set fire to the cottage? I’d thought it nothing more than a cooking fire.” Before she could say more, he took off with a thunder of hoofbeats.

Kylia stared after him in amazement. He’d had only a few precious moments to assess the situation, but he’d moved with all speed to help people he didn’t even know.

Though he’d cautioned her to remain here, she ignored his words. She bent down to retrieve a broken tree limb, thinking to help. As she straightened, she was yanked backward, causing the stick to slip from her grasp. Before she could utter a sound she was lifted off her feet and tossed roughly over a man’s shoulder. Though she kicked and pummeled him with her fists, he ignored her feeble protests as he raced across the meadow to join his comrades.

Just as suddenly, she was set on her feet. An arm came around her, holding her firmly, while the edge of a knife was pressed to her throat.

Her captor shouted at Grant, “The woman dies unless you lower your weapon at once.”

Kylia was horrified to see Grant do as the man commanded. The moment he lowered his sword, the band of thieves set upon him, attacking with knives and fists. All she could do was watch with a feeling of sick dread as he was knocked to the ground.

She heard a low rumble of laughter from the man behind her. The sound of it had her trembling with a feeling she’d never known before. Anger. A terrible anger at the injustice of it. The feeling had her blood running cold.

She closed her eyes and began to chant. Softly at first, then growing louder as the anger built, becoming a slow, simmering rage.

The hands holding her seemed to lose their strength. Her captor let out a gasp of surprise as he dropped weakly to his knees in the grass. All he could do was watch helplessly as Kylia turned on him, arms outstretched, and continued chanting words he’d never heard before.

Grant’s attackers let out a roar of laughter at the sight of her.

One of them shouted, “She holds her arms like swords, thinking to frighten us.”

“Aye,” another jeered. “And spouts foolish words that have no meaning. Get up, you fool,” he shouted to his comrade. “Why are you leaving us with all the work?”

Their laughter died in their throats when their weapons slipped from their fingers as though tugged by invisible strings, landing on the ground at their feet. Before they could move, Grant bent and retrieved his own weapon. Then he paused to touch a hand to Kylia’s cheek. Just a touch, but she felt the warmth of it through her veins and found the words of her chant dying in her throat.

The thieves used that moment of silence to flee, leaving behind the flock of sheep, and the menacing man and woman. Even the one who’d threatened her was on his feet and racing to the safety of the surrounding forest.

One of the thieves caught a bleating lamb and tossed it about his neck before disappearing with his comrades into the trees on the far side of the meadow.

Grant gave her a look of concern. “Are you truly unharmed, my lady?”

“Aye. Don’t worry about me. Go after them, my lord.”

Instead of doing as she urged, he raced toward the burning cottage. Just as he disappeared inside, the roof collapsed inward.

“No!” With a shout she began running after him.

By the time she reached the cottage, the fire was so intense it was impossible to see past the wall of Copyright 2016 - 2024