The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,19

this while all around him the forest was filled with chilling sounds. Suddenly he caught her hand. “If you’re right in this, we can walk freely across the clearing and toss a fresh log on the coals.”


“If you’re wrong, we’ll never feel the warmth of a fire again.”

Her hand trembled in his. “Then we’ll die together, my lord.”

“You’re willing to risk it?”

“I am.”

He drew her close and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Together they took a step, and then another. Though the snarls and cries intensified, causing them to halt in panic, neither of them felt a sting of pain.

“Stay with me, Kylia.” Grant took another step and began feeling around in the dark for the pile of branches. When at last he touched them, he stooped and gathered an armload. Then he moved closer until he could feel the warmth of the coals. Seconds after dropping the wood, a tiny flicker of flame appeared along one thin branch. A few moments later the flame grew, until it hissed and snapped, creating a blaze of firelight that pierced the darkness.

Grant looked around. There was no trace of the creatures that had tormented them. The night had grown ominously silent. And though he could see, just beyond the circle of light, what appeared to be red eyes watching from the cover of darkness, they remained hidden in shadow.

He drew Kylia close and pressed his lips to a tangle of hair at her temple. “My beautiful, clever Kylia. What would have happened to us if you hadn’t uncovered the mystery of this place?”

“We would have remained paralyzed by our fears, my lord. And unable to return to your land.” She pushed a little away and looked into his eyes. “And now, while the fire holds those fears at bay, we must leave this place. Are you strong enough to ride?”

“Aye. Now that I’ve been spared a duel with monsters, I feel strong enough to tackle an entire army.” He bent and retrieved her traveling cloak, tenderly wrapping it around her. “I’ll fetch my horse.”

As he walked away, Kylia watched him and wondered at the strange stirrings deep inside. Each time he touched her, kissed her, the feelings grew and deepened.

Was this love? Or was this merely a desire to mate, as she’d seen in other creatures?

She wanted it to be more than that. She wanted to know everything about this man who so touched her heart. What he’d been like as a child. How he’d been chosen as laird over all other men.

She was eager to see his land. To meet his people. For she had no doubt he was the one she’d been fated to meet.

Of course, it might take her some time to convince him of that fact. But now that they’d solved the mystery of the Forest of Darkness, they had been given the gift of time.


She smiled as he led his steed toward her and helped her into the saddle before pulling himself up behind her. She leaned back, loving the way his arms wrapped around her as he took the reins.

Though they traversed the forest for hours, they saw no more monsters. Now that they’d conquered their fear, they were free of the darkness that had held them in its grip.

When at last they left the Forest of Darkness behind, they found themselves in a Highland meadow, abloom with heather, bathed in dazzling sunlight.

Chapter Seven

“Oh.” Kylia gave a sigh as she looked around. “This is every bit as lovely as the Mystical Kingdom. Is this your home?”

“Nay.” Grant slowed his mount to allow her to enjoy the beauty. “We have another day’s ride before we reach my fortress. But the countryside is much like this. There are meadows surrounded by glorious mountains, the peaks wreathed in clouds. And running through the land is a loch so clear you can see to the very bottom.”

She could hear the warmth in his tone. “It would seem you’re missing your land and your people, my lord.”

“Aye. I only hope they’re missing me, as well.”

She turned to glance at him over her shoulder. “And why wouldn’t they miss their laird?”

“I’ve failed them. Failed to protect them from harm. Failed to protect them in war by leading my warriors into a trap, causing them pain and humiliation. They have a right to doubt their leader.”

“You couldn’t know you were being betrayed by someone you trusted. Soon enough they’ll know the truth.”

“I pray it is as you say, my lady. For all Copyright 2016 - 2024