The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,89

a vanity in with drawers, which meant he had a place for all his things. So the counter was mostly clear and he liked it that way, plus it made it easier to clean. She’d put a basic, non-floral-smelling candle and a cute blue ceramic dog on the counter to match the dark blue rug on the floor, and then they’d hung one picture of a foggy lake on the wall that he’d really liked. He’d had to agree that the bathroom had needed something, and Erin had known just what that “something” had been. She had a good eye. Not that he was surprised.

Erin had also helped him choose his bedroom furniture. Not too dark, she’d told him, because it would make the room appear smaller. He’d gone with a gray tufted headboard and awesome gray antique nightstands, and a silver dresser that went well with the off-white walls. Fortunately, he had the French doors that led out to the backyard along with a couple of windows that let in a lot of light, so the room was bright.

He’d let Erin run with choosing sheets and blankets, because that wasn’t in his area of expertise, and since he wanted her comfortable in his bed, he figured whatever she liked was fine with him.

She’d chosen a dark gray duvet cover and some soft-as-hell sheets. And hey, as long as they weren’t rough and scratchy, he didn’t care. Plus, everything looked good. He knew Erin would get it right.

Tonight they were having a housewarming party, which Erin had talked him into because the house was mostly finished, and mainly because he rarely had people over. She told him he should celebrate all the work he had put into the house.

Maybe she was right.

Besides, he had the weekend off, so why not have people over and do a little partying?

Erin had told him the vineyard had an afternoon wedding today, so she’d have plenty of time to come over and help him set up for the party.

He’d gotten up early this morning to clean the house. Once that was finished, he went to the grocery store to get all the stuff they’d need. He made a couple of snacks that would need to chill, and when he was putting those in the fridge, the doorbell rang.

He frowned and looked at his phone. Way too early for Erin to be here, so he went to the door and opened it, shocked to see Owen standing there.

He just stared, not knowing what to say. He hadn’t expected to see him.

“What are you doing here?” Jason asked.

“Can we talk?”

“I don’t know that I have anything to say to you.”

Owen tilted his head to the side. “Come on, man. We’re friends.”

“Are we?”

“It’s hot as fuck out here, Jason. Can I come in?”

Jason thought about closing the door in Owen’s face, but the guy looked like he was about to pass out. Sweat ran down his temple and he looked pale, so he stood to the side and Owen walked in.

Jason shut the door and led Owen into the kitchen.

“You want some ice water?”

“That’d be great, thanks.”

Owen climbed onto one of the barstools and took a seat while Jason fixed them both something to drink. He handed Owen the water and waited while he took several gulps. While Owen drank, Jason noticed how pale Owen looked. He’d lost some weight, too. Maybe stress.

Or guilt.

“Why aren’t you tan? I thought you were in Aruba. On the honeymoon you and Erin were supposed to go on.”

Owen set the glass down. “Yeah, about that. There’s a lot I need to tell you. About why I didn’t marry Erin.”

Jason rested his hip against the island. “You talk to Erin yet?”

“I’ve tried. I texted her a couple of times in the past week. She won’t answer my texts.”

Jason didn’t know whether to be happy Erin hadn’t answered him or upset that this thing between them wasn’t settled yet. “You could go over there.”

“And face the wrath of her entire family? No, thanks. I’d rather meet her on neutral ground.”

Jason took a sip of water. “I’ve known you since we were six years old, Owen. We fought those eighth graders together that knocked over our bikes. You were never a coward. Until now.”

Owen looked down. “It wasn’t cowardice, Jason. There’s something I have to tell you.”

Jason held up his hand. “It’s not me you have to tell. It’s Erin. Until you talk to her, I don’t want to hear it.”

“Come on, Jason. I Copyright 2016 - 2024