The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,90

have to talk to someone.”

“Then talk to her.”

Owen let out a breath. “You’re right. I know you’re right. I just thought maybe you and I being best friends and all . . .”

“That maybe you could have come to me weeks or months before the wedding or whenever it was you thought you didn’t want to marry Erin and talked to me about it?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

Owen’s voice had gone soft with . . . what? Regret? Did Owen regret what he’d done? Did he still love Erin? Did he want another chance with her?

The thought of it caused a knot to form in Jason’s gut.

How would Erin feel about it if Owen fell on his knees and begged her forgiveness?

Would she take him back? She had been in love with him. Maybe she still was.


“You gotta talk to Erin first, Owen.”


“And then after you do that, you and I can talk. Because I have some things to say.”

Owen slid off the barstool. “I know you do.”

They headed to the door. Owen turned. “You were there for her, weren’t you? When I . . . after I, you know.”

“You know damn well I was.” In ways he wasn’t about to tell Owen right now.

“Thanks for that. You’ve always been a good friend.”

He’d never seen Owen look so beaten down, so defeated. So in need of a damn hug.

But he couldn’t be that guy for Owen. Not right now.

“I’ll see you later, Owen.”

Owen gave a short nod. “Yeah.”

He turned and walked out the door. Jason shut the door, feeling like the shittiest friend ever.

But right now, it was more important that he was on Erin’s side. And he knew he was right. Owen had to talk to Erin first.

AFTER WORKING THE wedding, Erin had changed into something less formal, then whipped up a couple of things for tonight’s party. Honor and Brenna would meet her over there later, but she wanted to get to Jason’s early so she could help him set up. After all, this whole party thing had been her idea. She didn’t want to leave it for him to do all the work.

She’d brought Agatha with her since Jason had told her bringing her dog would keep Puddy occupied. Agatha pressed her nose against the window, loving the adventure of a car ride. She was going to enjoy hanging out with Puddy. The two of them got along so well.

After arriving at Jason’s house, she grabbed Agatha’s leash, all of her stuff, and went to the door. Jason had left a note for her that said he was in the shower and she should come in, so she did.

Puddy greeted them at the door with enthusiastic barks and tail wags. She bent down to pet him and he and Agatha led the way into the main part of the house.

The house was spotless, smelled like he’d scrubbed it stem to stern, and the kitchen was shining.

Wow. Okay, so she’d planned to help him clean it, but it was obvious that wasn’t going to be necessary.

She tucked the snacks into the fridge and fixed herself a glass of ice water, wandering around to see if there was anything that needed to be done. Agatha grabbed one of Puddy’s toys and the two dogs wandered off, play growling at each other.

Satisfied the dogs were happy, she turned away and saw Jason rounding the corner wrapped in a towel, his body shining with moisture from his shower.

Jeebus. She needed his body, in a painting, on her wall, so she could ogle him every day.

“Oh, you’re here,” he said, offering up a smile. “I was hoping it was you. I heard barking.”

“It’s me. You look hot. Metaphorically and literally.”

He laughed. “Thanks. So do you. Every damn day.”

He made her blush. All the time. How did he do that? “How’s the new shower working?”

“Great. You should try it out with me.”

Looking at him with that towel slung low on his hips made her want to push him into the bedroom and get sweaty with him just so they could try the shower out right now. “I intend to.”

He walked over to her and brushed his lips across hers. She inhaled the smell of freshly showered male.

“Too bad we have people coming over.”

She sighed, then laid her palms on his chest. “Yes. Too bad.”

But he stepped back. “I’ll go get dressed.”

“Anything you want me to do?”

He gave her a lazy smile. “You wanna come watch me?”

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