Benedict's Challenge - Carole Mortimer Page 0,21

beautiful today, if no less fragile.

Fragile or otherwise, Benedict’s cock had instantly hardened in arousal the moment he looked down upon her from Beatrix’s rooms. An arousal which now seemed to be his cock’s usual reaction to Benedict’s having merely looked at Chloe.

“I believe you do,” he once again deliberately provoked her. “As physician to both of you, you should have waited for my approval before thinking of endangering your health for a second time by engaging in unsuitable pursuits.”


“I believe His Lordship’s intention right now is to annoy both of us,” Jimmy drawled knowingly.

“Then, in my case, he is succeeding!” she snapped.

Jimmy chuckled. “By all means, annoy me all you please,” he told Benedict. “But Chloe obviously has little or none of the social sophistication necessary to retaliate.”

She frowned at him. “If that insult was your best effort in defending me, then I advise you not to attempt it a second time!”

Jimmy raised his eyes heavenward before his attention sharpened on the top of the house. “Who was that?”

Benedict’s chest tightened. “Who was who?”

Jimmy continued to stare up at the house. “I saw a woman in one of the windows of the east wing.”

“What do you mean, you saw her?” Benedict prompted, sincerely hoping it was the past tense.

The woman in the window could be none other than Beatrix, no doubt still interested in the newcomers to the estate. But she would not welcome either Jimmy or Chloe becoming curious about her presence.

Jimmy nodded. “She’s gone now.” But he continued to stare up at the window as if waiting for the woman to reappear.

Benedict was certain Beatrix would not do that. Not willingly, at least.

“It was probably one of the maids cleaning,” he dismissed, deliberately not turning to look toward the house himself. “The wings of the house are unoccupied, but I like to keep them free of dust and the possibility of an invasion of rodents.”

Chloe gave a shiver at the mention of the latter.

Jimmy still looked less than convinced at that explanation. “The lady I saw did not look in the least like a maid.”

Benedict arched arrogant brows. “Oh, and what does a maid look like?”

The younger man glared his frustration. “Unlike the elegantly dressed and coiffured lady I saw in that window,” he maintained stubbornly.

Benedict did now turn toward the house. He could almost—almost—imagine the twitch of a curtain as Beatrix stood behind it, allowing her to see but not be seen. He turned back to Jimmy. “I doubt you could see a lady’s elegance of dress and hair from this distance.”


“If you gentlemen will excuse me? I believe I shall continue with my walk.” Chloe had, quite frankly, listened to enough of this toing and froing between the two men which, to her, sounded like nothing more than two male egos vying with each other.

Benedict, quite rightly, in Chloe’s opinion, was obviously cross with Jimmy for doing manual labor when his arms were still bruised, and Jimmy obviously did not care for the other man’s high-handed attitude. Even if Benedict’s concern was genuine.

“By all means, you have my permission to continue with your walk.” Benedict arched one arrogant brow as Chloe narrowed her gaze on him. “But I expect you both to join me for dinner this evening. Suitably dressed,” Benedict added to Jimmy.



“Do not argue with me—either of you.” He gave them both a sweeping and challenging glare. “You are staying here as my guests, but have chosen not to dine with me these past two days. That stops now.”

The younger man gave a mocking smile. “If you’re that desperate for our company…”

“I would not have used the word desperate,” Benedict drawled.

“Sounded like desperation to me,” Jimmy taunted. “But as ya arsked sa nicely,” he added in a broad Cockney accent.


She had been so focused on the conversation between the two men, she was taken by surprise when Benedict’s focus turned to her. One glance at his glittering dark eyes was enough to warn her against arguing with him on the subject.

She forced a falsely bright smile. “What woman could possibly wish to refuse the opportunity to dine with two such handsome gentlemen!”

At least Jimmy’s presence would ensure Benedict did not ask her any more awkward questions she would rather not answer.

She could have no idea how wrong she was to believe that.

Chapter Eight

The three of them had barely been served their dessert that evening, after a fraught hour or so of stilted conversation, before Benedict began his interrogation.

“So, James,” he bit out. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024