Benedict's Challenge - Carole Mortimer Page 0,20

for their future.

No, Benedict did not like Ipswich, but Beatrix’s comment might be helpful in identifying who Jimmy really was.

“I do not believe I have seen that young lady before either.”

Benedict frowned his puzzlement. “What young lady?”

“The one now in conversation with Mr. Brown.”

Benedict leveled his narrowed gaze to where he could now see Chloe down in the stable yard talking to Jimmy.

“Should you be doing that?” Chloe voiced her concern at seeing Jimmy wielding a pitchfork to pile clean straw into an open stall.

He straightened to lean his elbow on top of the handle of that implement. “Gossip is that Miss Chloe has kept to her room these past two days and nights,” he taunted.

Her mouth twisted. “Gossip is called that for a reason. That reason being because it is very often inaccurate.”

Jimmy grinned. “But not on this point?”

“No,” Chloe conceded with a sigh. “I believe the two of us are behaving as extremely rude and ungrateful guests after His Lordship was so kind as to remove us both from London and bring us here with him.”

Jimmy’s grin faded, and he shrugged. “I forgot my place for a brief time, is all.”

Chloe eyed him curiously. “And what is your place?”

He turned away to once again fork the straw through the door of the stall in the middle of the six he was obviously working on. “Manual laborer will do.”

“I doubt that very much.”

Chloe and Jimmy both turned sharply at the sound of Benedict’s voice. Chloe could not speak for Jimmy, but her own gaze was hungry for the sight of Benedict after the past two days of keeping to her bedchamber.

After the intimacies they had shared, and then the awkwardness over dinner that evening, Chloe had believed it was for the best if she made herself as inconspicuous as possible by remaining in her bedchamber. There was also the fact that Benedict had warned her he would want more answers from her very soon, but, she had reasoned, if she was not present, then he could not ask her those questions.

But after two days confined to her bedchamber, Chloe was now so bored with her own company, she had decided to take a walk about the estate so that she could breathe in some of the fresh country air. The last thing she expected was to step around to the back of the house and immediately spot Jimmy working in the stable yard.

She doubted Benedict was happy with his patient’s blatant disregard for his instruction, Jimmy having been told to refrain from using his arms as much as possible.

Benedict was probably just as irritated by her deliberate avoidance of his company these past two days. But it was through embarrassment, mainly. She could only guess at what Benedict now thought of her after she had behaved the wanton in his arms the evening of their arrival here.

The scowl on Benedict’s face encompassed both of them as a reflection of his disapproval. “I hope you have not come out here with the intention of riding.” He pinned his gaze on Chloe.

Her smile was rueful. “I doubt I am well enough to sit in a saddle as yet.”

“But you do ride?”

“Not for some time, but yes.”

Benedict wondered if that length of time coincided with when she had gone to live with Henry Gordon. “I do not believe either of you is well enough to be engaging in your current pursuit.” His gaze included the younger man.

A ruddy hue colored Jimmy’s cheeks. “I believe we have already discussed that matter in regard to myself.”

Benedict’s nostrils flared. “There is every possibility that the bruising to your arms will take much longer to heal the way you are swinging that pitchfork about. But no doubt you are in enough pain for me not to need to tell you that.” He turned his dark gaze upon Chloe. “You should have waited for my permission before venturing out and about.”

“Your permission?” Chloe echoed incredulously. “I do not need anyone’s permission to take a walk.”

Benedict had deliberately used that word to provoke this response from her. He was very angry with Chloe right now for having avoided his company these past two days. Truth be told, he had missed her company.

Beneath the warmth of her cloak, Chloe was wearing another of the gowns Benedict had purchased for her in London, and which the seamstress already had made up and could alter to fit Chloe’s slender figure. The deep green silk perfectly complemented her ivory complexion.

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