Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,21

sir," she said. "I do not wear the badge, but I, too, am Jewish. I am Judith, daughter of Belaset of Lewes, a small town in England. My father was Aaron of Leicester. He was murdered some ten years ago by Simon de Montfort’s men, along with all my family except my mother. Earl Simon is now threatening the King’s authority, by saying that he has broken his promise to take the advice of his barons. You may know already that our King is here in France, at Amiens, awaiting the decision of your King on these matters. Earl Simon says he will abide by Louis’ decision, but those of us who support the King do not believe de Montfort. I have been entrusted with a packet which I must take back to England with all speed, to deliver it into the hands of William Foville, Prior of St Pancras, Lewes. I was on my way to the coast, with an escort for my safety, when we were attacked on the bridge which crosses the Somme just outside Amiens. I escaped, but my men were injured. I had been riding alone for some hours, when I came upon this town. To say truth, I was half-asleep, and it was the horse stumbling that woke me. Until you told me just now that this is Abbeville, I had no idea where I was."

She sat staring at the floor, waiting for some response. There was a silence, during which she could almost feel Isaac thinking deeply. Suddenly, she felt his hand on her arm, and when he spoke, his voice was full of compassion.

"You have explained yourself well, Belaset’s daughter. You are brave without question.

Once again, I welcome you to this house but this time, the words are not just meaningless courtesies, said to any traveller. We are proud to have you here, Judith."

Judith blinked, feeling the hot tears rising in her eyes. The lump that rose in her throat made spech impossible but she nodded her head, and swallowed. Isaac patted her arm, comfortingly.

"Come, Judith," he said, gently. "You are worn out after such a day. Let us feed you and show you where you may rest. You shall have some mulled wine to warm you first."



Belaset’s Daughter

He rose and left the room by a door at one side, and must have gone into the kitchen.

Judith could hear him calling for a servant to bring some of the promised wine. Furtively, she wiped her eyes and gave her nose a hearty blow. She was feeling much better, when Brunetta returned. That lady’s sharp eyes saw that Judith had been weeping and, placing her hands on her ample hips, she rounded on her husband as he came back into the room.

"Isaac!" she scolded. "What have you been saying to our guest to make her weep? We should make people welcome...."

"Not so hasty!" said her husband calmly. "I’ve heard her story and accepted it

wholeheartedly. It was but a sneeze that you saw is that not so, Judith?"

He turned to her and, to Judith’s amazement, gave her a broad wink. She smiled at him, and then laughed. The wink had transformed his face and his whole bearing. Brunetta looked from one to the other, then joined in. The servant, entering with the wine, gawped at all three, set the tray down, and departed, muttering something unintelligible to himself.

Isaac had demanded three goblets of the wine, and they each took one. Before drinking, he raised his goblet, saying, "To monarchs and their loyal subjects!" Then, flinging back his head, he took a deep draught.

The women followed his example, Brunetta with some bewilderment, and Judith with gusto. The warm, spiced wine slipped down her throat, and spread deliciously through her body. She turned to Brunetta.

"Your husband will tell you my story," she said.

The servant returned with a plate, on which there was a loaf and some cold meat. Judith fell on it eagerly, conscious suddenly that she had eaten nothing all day, and that she was starving after the long ride and her lucky escape. As she ate, Isaac told his wife what had happened. Brunetta shook her head in wonder, and made little sympathetic noises, clucking and tutting away until it was difficult for Judith to keep her face straight.

With a sigh of repletion, Judith finished the last of the food and took a final gulp of wine. She leant back and blinked, suddenly sleepy in the warmth of the room, now lit only Copyright 2016 - 2024