Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,20

may be more welcoming than usual."

"You’re very kind," said Judith. "If you have somewhere for my horse, I’ll take it to its own rest. It has carried me far today, and its speed may well have saved my life."



Belaset’s Daughter

"There are stables at the back of the house," said the woman, gesturing behind her at the wide doorway. "Take your horse through, and someone will help you. They can make room for one more overnight. I’ll talk to my husband, and tell him what has happened, while you see to the poor animal."

Judith smiled her thanks and urged her tired horse through the doorway. It led to a wide passage which stretched the depth of the house and ended in a good-sized yard at the back. The horse’s head drooped, tugging at the reins, as they went along, and she wondered just how many miles it had carried her, when she was asleep. Sure enough, a man came forward as she entered. He looked at her curiously, but took the bridle from her outstretched hand without a word. She followed him to the stable, and saw that the horse was rubbed down with straw and led to the manger, where it began to eat. Two other horses had turned their heads as they entered, but made no move to prevent Judith’s horse joining them as they ate.

"I’ll come for it in the morning," she said.

The man nodded, then turned back to continue with the work of taking great forkfuls of fresh bedding into the stable.

Satisfied that her horse was in good hands, she turned back again to the house. The woman to whom she had spoken was waiting, beside her a bearded man with a slight frown on his face and his arms folded across his chest. He was not tall, but a certain authority was obvious in his bearing.

"I am Isaac Hanuchin," he announced. "My wife, Brunetta, has told me your story."

His voice was deep and carefully devoid of all expression.

"Since she sees no reason to mistrust you," he continued, "I bid you welcome to this house. I shall expect to hear more of the strange circumstances that bring you here, after you’ve recovered from the rigours of the day. We’ll feed you, but your bed for the night will depend on your answers to our questions."

"I understand completely, sir," replied Judith, formally. "You are right to take such care to protect your family and your house. It is kind of you to offer food and rest to a stranger."

The man grunted and stood aside. Brunetta led the way into the shop and Judith followed. Inside, there was a clutter of tools on the bench ranged along one side, which she could just make out in the gloom. The shop itself was narrow, and an opening in the back wall led through into a larger room, which was obviously the parlour, to judge by the furnishings. It was warmed by a blazing fire, and Judith drew off her gauntlets, and stretched out her hands to the flames. She rubbed her cramped fingers together, and felt the stiffness begin to leave them.

"Give me your cloak," said Brunetta. "It must be properly dried and cleaned, before you wear it again."



Belaset’s Daughter

Isaac Hanuchin sat down on a settle which was placed close to one side of the hearth.

He looked at Judith, as she took off her cloak and revealed the tunic and hose which she wore beneath it.

"You’re strangely dressed, lady," he observed. "And you have wandered into Abbeville astride a horse, like any man. My wife tells me that you were fleeing from an attack by the river were you known to your attackers, or merely the victim of thieves?"

It was an astute question, and Judith thought hard about how best to answer. Should she trust this man, and admit the true nature of her mission, or should she pretend to be simply an innocent traveller? If she chose the pretence, how to explain the clothing, and the fact that she was riding with an escort, rather than in a covered cart, as any lady would? If she told him the truth what would his reaction be? She decided to trust her instinct, tell as much as would not endanger others, and hope that she would gain the help and support she so desperately needed to get herself back to England as swiftly as possible. Taking a deep breath, she began her story.

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