Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,74

was worth the risk...’

Kate blushed and shook her head.

‘I was wrong,’ she said simply. ‘When I met Charles I knew I was wrong.’ She looked up suddenly. ‘But you are a fine one to be admonishing me for my change of heart! I hear you are engaged, now, to Gerald Barnabus.’

‘Yes, yes, but that is different,’ argued Susannah. ‘I will not be diverted, Kate. How can you be engaged to Mr Camerton? You have known him for only a few short weeks.’

‘I know, but I love him, Susannah.’ The smile and the soft look that transfigured the widow’s face made Susannah’s heart sink. ‘He is a gambler, like me. We fell in love at the card table, then he came to call and took me riding, and we went walking in Sydney Gardens, and...’ Kate looked up, her eyes shining. ‘He has turned my whole world upside down, Susannah. He sends my spirits soaring heavenwards just by holding my hand. His smile lights up my day. And he feels the same way about me. I can hardly believe my good fortune. He loves me, he really does. So we are to be married, just as soon as the banns have been called.’

A cold, dark cloud wrapped itself around Susannah’s heart as she listened to her friend. She thought of Gerald Barnabus, her own fiancé. She imagined him holding her hand, smiling at her and she felt nothing. Nothing at all.

* * *

Mrs Wilby was as good as her word and cancelled all their engagements for the whole week, with the exception of Lady Gisburne’s party at Laura Place. Susannah was adamant that they must attend, but she was uncharacteristically nervous as she allowed Dorcas to dress her in her cream satin with the green ribbon ties.

‘Stop fidgeting, miss, do,’ Dorcas admonished her as she nestled tiny cream rosebuds amongst the golden curls piled up on her head. ‘I’ve never known you in such a fret before a party.’

‘Tonight’s soirée means Florence House is no longer a secret, Dorcas,’ Susannah told her. ‘I am very anxious that it should be a success.’

But to herself she acknowledged that this was not the reason for her unease. Since her engagement to Gerald she had avoided Jasper’s company, but tonight there could be no escape. She would have to face him.

* * *

‘Well this is most satisfactory,’ murmured Aunt Maude, looking around the crowded reception rooms in Laura Place, ‘I believe all of Bath is here tonight.’

Susannah could only nod in agreement. Lady Gisburne had specifically noted on her invitations that the evening was to acknowledge her patronage of Florence House, a home for distressed gentlewomen, but only one or two people had stayed away. Everyone else was keen to congratulate the dowager upon her support of such a cause. Even Mrs Bulstrode was present, as well as Mr and Mrs Farthing, a generous donation from Lady Gisburne to the Walcot Street Penitentiary helping them to bury their resentment.

‘A very different reaction to the one I received,’ murmured Susannah.

‘Unmarried ladies are expected to be more circumspect,’ came her aunt’s comfortable response. ‘When you are Mrs Barnabus no one will think anything of you supporting such a cause. What a pity Gerald could not be here tonight.’

Susannah thought so, too, especially when Jasper appeared. Her heart began to hammer uncomfortably when she saw him walk in, his gleaming black hair brushed back from that handsome face. He bowed over the dowager’s hand, and as he straightened his dark eyes raked the room. It was as if some second sense brought his gaze straight to her.

She squared her shoulders. It would be better to get this first meeting over, then they could be easy. Her confidence began to wane as he made his way towards her. He stopped to speak to others on his way, his easy manners and charming smile much in evidence, but when at last he stood before her there was a fierce, uncompromising look in his eye that made her want to run away. Instead she forced her knees to bend a little. She kept her hands firmly clasped about her fan.

‘Lord Markham.’

‘Miss Prentess.’

Aunt Maude was addressing the viscount, nervousness making her garrulous, but Susannah did not hear her and she suspected Jasper too was not attending. He was holding her eyes.

‘I believe you have been indisposed, ma’am.’

‘I, er, I have been resting, but I could not miss this evening.’

‘I guessed as much, which is why I came.’ He lowered his voice. Copyright 2016 - 2024