Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,73

an active role,’ remarked the dowager. ‘You will have a family of your own to consider.’

Susannah looked away, uncomfortable with such thoughts. She had become engaged to Barnabus because he had seemed safe, he was inclined to worship her reverently, but she was well aware that once they were married he would expect her to allow him more than a chaste kiss on the cheek.

‘My aunt has always been the main player in this, Lady Gisburne.’

‘Tush, everyone knows now that you are the force behind Florence House.’ The dowager smiled. ‘It does not matter too much. Mrs Gifford is perfectly capable of handling the day-to-day running of the charity, and we will merely be patronesses, something that you can do even if you were to live many miles from here.’

Susannah frowned.

‘Why should you say that? Mr Barnabus is very happy to make his home in Bath.’

From her corner of the carriage the dowager gave her an enigmatic smile.

‘Sometimes one’s plans can change,’ she said.

* * *

The news that Lord Markham had called was no surprise to Susannah, although she told Aunt Maude she had quite forgotten about it. The viscount’s subsequent note gave her a momentary panic, but her response was soon sent back to him and she hoped that would be the end of it.

‘Indeed, I am quite fatigued with all the recent excitement,’ she remarked as she sat down to dinner with her aunt. ‘I think, while Gerald is away from Bath, I should like to have Gatley deny all visitors.’

Aunt Maude was immediately concerned.

‘My love, this is quite unlike you, you usually have an abundance of energy. Are you sure you are not sickening for something?’

‘No, no, of course not. I have been trotting a little too hard, as Gerald would say. I shall come about again very soon, you will see.’

‘I sincerely hope so.’ Aunt Maude picked up her knife and fork. ‘Very well, we shall cancel all our engagements for a few days, and do nothing more strenuous than stroll to the Pump Room, where I am sure a glass of the waters will soon restore your spirits.’

* * *

The Pump Room was always popular, but any hope Susannah had that she might lose herself in the jostling crowd soon disappeared when she saw Jasper making his purposeful way towards her.

His greeting was abrupt, and when he suggested they might take a turn about the room together she politely declined. She remained resolutely beside her aunt, conversing with friends, then she took a cup of the waters, sipping at it reluctantly and doing her best not to screw up her face at the sulphurous taste, but all the time she was aware of the viscount’s dark presence, waiting for his chance for a private word with her. It could not last, however. Lord Markham was far too distinguished a visitor to be allowed to stand idle. He was soon accosted by those claiming an acquaintance and he was obliged to move away. Eventually he left the Pump Room and the tension in her spine eased. She could relax again, and when she saw Kate Logan she hurried across the room to greet her.

‘My dear, where have you been for such an age?’ Susannah took Kate’s hands and pulled her forwards to kiss her cheek. ‘To go off for such a time, and never a word to me to say where you had gone.’

‘I know, and I apologise,’ said Kate. ‘We arrived back too late last night to call upon you.’

‘Never mind that, you are here now.’ Susannah took her arm. ‘Let us walk about the room and you can tell me where you have been.’

‘I believe you have news, too, Susannah—’

‘Yes, but you must go first,’ she interrupted her. ‘I insist.’

‘Very well.’ They walked on for a few steps and Susannah watched her friend biting her lip. She looked unusually pensive. ‘I have been to Radstock.’

‘Radstock!’ Susannah laughed. ‘What on earth can have taken you there?’

‘Mr Camerton’s mother lives there. Mr—that is—Charles and I are to be married.’

Susannah halted.

‘But I thought—’ She stared at her friend. ‘I don’t understand. I thought you had vowed never to marry again. After the last time...’

‘I know, I thought I would never meet anyone who would make me change my mind on that, but I have.’

‘No.’ Susannah turned to her, taking her hands and giving them a little shake. ‘Kate, you are funning. You must be. Your last husband was a monster, you told me he— That no man Copyright 2016 - 2024