Beguiled (The Fairest Maidens #2) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,71

my hand bruised, and my body trembled from grief. I sagged against the heavy oaken panel, pressing my tear-streaked cheek to the cold wood.

I was locked inside with no way to escape. I’d attempted every possible means, from trying to pry open the window to pulling up floorboards in hopes of finding a secret tunnel. But after nearly two days, I’d concluded that the only way out was through the door.

But the door wouldn’t budge no matter how much I tugged on it, and I hadn’t been able to bang it down with my bare hands either.

“Oh, Mikkel.” More tears slipped out. “Why did you have to come here with me? Why didn’t you stay back on the island?”

The words I’d once spoken to Mikkel came back to me: “True love makes one do things one would not normally consider.” Perhaps he’d left the island because he’d loved and accepted me even then, long before his declaration.

I pushed away from the door and paced across the rushes to my bed, then spun on my heel and circled back to the door. “You were a fool to think you could come here and reason with the queen. No one can ever reason with her. Not my father, not her closest advisors, and not even me. Especially not me.”

Why did she hate me? Why? I was her daughter. The question that had taunted me for so long now swelled and threatened to choke me.

“I hate you too!” The tears ran down my cheeks faster. “Hate you, hate you, hate you!”

I beat my fists against the door again, letting my anger surface and add strength to my hatred. If I ever saw her again, I’d take her by surprise and plunge a knife into her heart. If I couldn’t find a knife, I’d strangle her with my bare hands.

The moment I pictured myself squeezing the sensitive spot in her throat, I gasped with sudden horror. What was I doing? What was I thinking? How could I even contemplate killing her?

I’d vowed not to allow myself to become the same kind of monster as the queen, a monster who cared so little for her family that she’d kill them. But here I was. Plotting how I would take my mother’s life the next time I was with her.

With a groan, I crumpled into a heap and buried my face in my hands, my ruby-colored dress pooling around me. The queen had sent my servants away. But even if they’d been allowed to attend me, I wouldn’t have bothered to change out of the gown. I hadn’t cared what I wore after hearing my mother’s declaration to behead Mikkel. All I’d done was lament and foster my hatred toward my mother, and now it had led me to contemplate murder.

“What have I done?” I groaned again. “What have I become?”

At a soft rapping against the door, I sat up and swiped the moisture from my cheeks.

“Pearl?” Ruby’s muffled voice came from the other side.

I scrambled to my feet.

“Mother said I could visit you in order to say farewell.”

I watched the door. The second the guards opened it, I intended to push my way out, locate Mikkel, and set him free.

Ruby spoke again. “She warned that if you attempt anything at all, she’ll make Mikkel suffer rather than ending his life quickly.”

My legs gave way, and I collapsed to the floor again. A sob rose in my chest, but I swallowed hard in order to push my despair down.

The door opened a crack, and Ruby’s face peeked through. A moment later, she slipped inside and the door closed behind her firmly, letting me know that while Ruby might be able to come in, I wouldn’t be allowed out. Not that I’d attempt an escape now, not with the queen’s threat against Mikkel.

Ruby dropped to her knees and grabbed me in a hug. I tossed my arms around her too. We clung to each other, and even when she wiggled to free herself, I was unwilling to let go, since this might be the last time I’d get to see her.

“Please, Pearl,” she whispered. “I have much to say and not enough time.”

Reluctantly, I released her. “Then she is planning to execute me soon?”

Ruby pressed a finger to her lips. Then cocking her head to the opposite side of the room, she dragged me up and tugged me away from the door.

“She has sent out the announcement for your beheading,” Ruby whispered, “to take place on this Copyright 2016 - 2024