The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,76

strong enough. I know that if anything happened to me, you would save me, no matter what, right?”


“Then stop worrying. You’re going to give yourself a tumor. Now come on, you’re going to miss your own going away party.”

She took his hand and led him back to the castle. He didn’t know what it was, but he already felt better. Laren was right, if anything were to threaten her or his mother or Katie, he would stop it. No matter what the cost.

The couple entered the ballroom just in time to see Laren’s father take the stand and address the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and witnessing this historic event. I want to give a chance for our man of the hour to say a few words before we end the night. Connor, if you would?”

The crowed started clapping and everyone turned, looking for him. Taken by surprise, he hesitated. Laren nudged him toward the stand. Connor moved forward, even though his mind was seriously considering running in the opposite direction. Palms sweating, he took the stage and thanked Adolpho.

“Knock em dead,” Adolpho whispered in his ear.

The applause died down too soon and Connor was left staring into a sea of expectant faces. Faust’s and Laren’s words were still fresh in his mind. If people were in danger, if his loved ones needed him, he knew he would rise to the occasion. For the first time, he believed. “Many of you know Morrigan Hayes, and all of you by now are familiar with the prophecy she foretold years ago. A Judge would rise up from my family bloodline and save our race from the coming darkness. Morrigan has believed in me from the first day she met me, and many of you have put your trust in me during the last few days. I’m willing to admit that I wasn’t so sure of myself at first. I doubted myself.”

The crowed murmured quietly. Katie stood in the crowd to his right with eyes full of encouragement and Laren was standing to his left a few rows deep, nodding for him to continue.

“Over the course of the last few days, I have slowly realized something. I know that my strength and my belief does not come from what or who I am. It comes from you. I am the Judge and I am the hero of our people because that is who you need me to be. I will save my loved ones and my people when it is time. I know I could do nothing less. There is an evil coming and I will be ready. I am the heir to an ancient bloodline of warriors that has always answered the call of their people, and I will not break that line. My name is Connor Moore. I am the son of Caderyn Moore, and I am the prophesied Judge that will save our race. I promise this before all of you as my witnesses, I will be ready when you need me.”



First I have to thank God because without Him none of this would be possible. I’d like to thank my wife, not only for being the first to give me feedback and suggestions but more importantly for all of her love and support during the book writing process. My friend and first book reviewer, Aaron Tarbell, for his willingness and enthusiasm to help. Toni Rakestraw, my amazing editor, this book is better because of her and I mean that very literally. Jennifer O’Neill and the entire team at Limitless Publishing, thank you for all of your hard work and the tireless hours spent making this book possible.


Jonathan Yanez was born and raised in a Christian household in Oxnard, CA. He was involved in everything from piano and saxophone lessons to swimming and track. Growing up his parents encouraged him to read, and he did - anything he could get his hands on. Soon he developed a fascination with storytelling and characters that would follow him the rest of his life.

Graduating from BIOLA University with his BA in English Literature he never lost his love for writing and creating. He now works part-time as a personal trainer and hopes to one day make the move to writing full-time.

Other than reading and writing, his passion is living life to the fullest. He loves; spending time with his wife and pets, watching movies, participating in mud runs, traveling, going to the gym and pushing his limits in everything. This desire takes him anywhere from skydiving and motorcycle riding, to surfing in Hawaii and various types of martial arts. He has his eyes set next on archery and running with the bulls in Spain.

He is married to the love of his life and resides in Southern California with his husky, Daphne and cat, Helen.



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Your Guardian Angel

Sun Kissed


The Game



Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


About the Author

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