The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,75

if she were a mother hen, ready to swoop in if the situation called for it.

Within the two hours, Connor needed a break from the hob-knobbing and advice.

“Morrigan, is it all right if I step outside for a few minutes? I think I’m going to go crazy if one more Elite tells me, ‘I thought the Judge would be older.’”

Morrigan nodded. “Of course. Don’t be long.”

Connor agreed and headed for the castle’s main entrance. The hall was deserted when he entered, or he thought it was until he heard a loud sniff come from one of the many doorways. Faust walked into the hall, confident and wearing his usual sunglasses. “I thought I smelled a misguided youth.”

Connor just wanted to ignore him, however, he would have to walk by Faust to reach the castle exit.

“Listen, I don’t want any trouble tonight. I’m just headed outside.”

“Oh, by all means, please continue. Don’t let me stop you.”

Connor hesitantly approached him. His muscles were tense, prepared for anything.

Just as he was passing his eyeless nemesis, Faust broke the silence. “I can’t help but wonder what you think taking the Tests will solve. Even if you are the Judge and come back victorious, you won’t win. You can’t.”

Connor stopped to face Faust. He knew this is what his antagonist wanted but he was willing to give in anyway. “What are you talking about?”

Faust smiled, pleased with himself. “I’m talking about your loved ones. Your mother, that pretty blonde, what’s her name? Katie, was it? Or Larentia? You’re quite the catch, Mr. Moore. Even if you do come back and everyone hails you as a hero, you’ll still be a boy powerless to protect your loved ones.”

Connor could feel his heat rise. “If you touch them, so help me, God…”

“Struck a nerve, did I? Is this where you tell me that if I touch them you’ll kill me? Well, rest assured, it isn’t me you have to worry about.”

His vision was starting to blur now as anger invaded his senses. “That’s where you’re wrong. If anything happens to any of them, I’m coming back for you.”

“There are things beyond your understanding. Ancient things that even you will be powerless against to save the ones you love.”

Connor was on the verge of losing control; he could feel the power surging within him, begging for an exit.

“Connor?” It was Laren. Hearing her familiar voice calmed him. His vision cleared and his temperature dropped.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Mr. Moore and I were just discussing the details of the next few days and inevitable failure.”

Laren wove her arm around Connor’s, completely ignoring Faust. “Will you walk with me outside? It’s a beautiful night. I’d love to see the stars and to just look at the moon.”

Faust sneered at the two as they walked outside, consoling himself with what he believed the future would hold for them.

They reached the front gate, secured by two vigilant guards, and were enveloped by the cool nighttime air.

“Thanks, I thought I was going to lose it for a minute.”

“No problem. What’s a girl going to do when she sees her hero about to break the neck of a handicapped person?”

Connor’s mood lightened, glad to be outside and even happier to be with her. “You always know the right thing to say.”

“I try. I can almost guarantee I know what fifty percent of those people were asking you in there.”

“Really? And what’s that?”

She switched into a deep voice releasing his arm and pretending she carried a microphone in hand, “Mr. Moore, please, we’re dying to know, are you ready?”

“Hit the nail on the head. You win a—walk around the courtyard.”

“Lucky me.”

They strolled through the castle’s immense front garden. It was a clear night and the stars and moon provided more than enough light. With everything going on inside, the grounds were deserted save for the few crickets that chirped away.

“So, are you going to tell me what you and old eye sockets were talking about?”

“It just all comes back to me being able to believe that I am the Judge that Morrigan prophesied. I want to believe it. I do. What if I’m not? What if I’m called upon and I’m not strong enough?”

Laren stopped walking and placed herself in front of him. Her white dress and heels contrasted his tuxedo. “But you are strong enough. You’ve already saved me and I know if I play the damsel in distress card again, you would be there. Stop doubting yourself and embrace that you are Copyright 2016 - 2024