The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,7

there; you’re not used to talking so much about yourself or your family, are you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean the way you hesitate and the look of concentration you get on your face when you talk about your family. It’s like you’re scared you’re going to give away a national secret.”

Laren paused for a moment. Just long enough for their efficient waiter to clear their plates and ask if they needed a dessert menu. Taking their orders, the waiter nodded in approval and scurried off.

“You’re very intuitive, Connor. Most people don’t give it a second thought when I talk about myself or my family, but you’re right. I’ve been raised to be very discreet when discussing personal affairs. There are competitors out there that would love to get some piece of information to use against us.”

“Well, Laren, you can rest assured that I’m not a spy or saboteur and I won’t bite. I’m just a harmless guy trying to find out more about a new friend.”

She gave him a genuine smile, not a smirk or a grin, but a smile that showed relief. “Thank you, Connor. It feels good to be able to talk to someone. Between school, family and family business, I don’t get a lot of time to just talk to a friend.”

“Right, your family’s not big on you going out with anyone outside of their circle of approved suitors.”

“My family is very traditional and thinks they should have a hand in choosing who I do or do not go out with.”

“And, it seems like they choose all the wrong ones,” Connor said, finishing her thought.

“The exact wrong ones.”

The rest of the night went quickly over cheesecake and fresh raspberries. The two moved to less serious topics like sports, hobbies, and places they had travelled. If the physical attraction Connor already felt toward Laren wasn’t enough, once out of her shell, Laren was one of the easiest people to talk to. Connor loved hearing about her likes and dislikes, the way she scrunched up her nose when she disapproved of something, and the dramatic way she rolled her eyes when she was about to laugh.

By the time the final plate was cleared, the two had talked for almost three hours.

“Wow, the time just flew by. Connor, wait, I’ll split the check with you.”

Connor hadn’t hesitated for a moment when the waiter brought them their bill and he held it close to his chest. “I got it. You’re a visitor to our town, and with the way my mom talks about how great your family’s been, it’s the least I can do.”

“That’s really nice, but please, I insist.”

“Nope.” Connor hugged the bill closer and signaled for the waiter. “Unless you can take it from me, I’m going to pay.”

Laren seemed to consider trying to take the check for a moment. “Okay, you win. I don’t want to cause a scene or hurt you.” She winked.

Making their way through the busy restaurant and into the lobby, Laren suddenly stopped. Her happy carefree smile disappeared and was replaced by a look of concern and suspicion. Her brow furrowed as she cautiously looked around.

Before Connor could ask her what was wrong, the two were greeted with a friendly yet edgy, “Hello.”

Turning toward the stranger, Connor was greeted by a well-dressed man. He was average height and build, his slicked back black hair was perfect, and his crooked nose gave him the look of an old-school gangster.

“I didn’t expect to see you here, Larentia,” the stranger said. Connor picked up a slight German accent.

Laren turned into the same stoic woman he had first met in the forest, the business-minded female he was introduced to at his mother’s shop. “Hello, Randolph. If I had known you were coming to dinner, we would have saved you a seat.”

“Please, Larentia, we both know you don’t mean that.” Turning his unnaturally bright blue eyes on Connor, he continued. “How very rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Randolph and you are?”

Sensing the tension, Connor decided to ask questions later and instead extended his hand. With a less-than-genuine smile of his own, he introduced himself. “Connor Moore. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Randolph.”

Randolph’s hand felt cold and clammy, like a long dead fish.

Upon embracing Connor’s hand, Randolph studied his eyes as though searching for something, not simply meeting his gaze, but rather trying to answer a question. “Very interesting.”

Releasing his grip, Randolph turned to Laren. “Larentia, the company you choose to keep these days is, Copyright 2016 - 2024