The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,6

dress shirt, and perhaps a spray too much of his favorite cologne. His generosity when applying cologne proved true as he was forced to roll down the windows in his truck or suffocate in the fumes of Axe.

On this cool Tuesday evening, the downtown plaza was busy as usual. Bright lights welcomed customers to enter the cozy shops for their annual summer sales.

Spotting the restaurant, he recognized Laren’s new black BMW, parked his truck beside it, and walked inside.

Inside, the aromas of French bread, pasta and marinara filled the air. The walls were decorated with black and white photos of Italy and Italian families. They told stories of pride, love and joy. The lights were dimly lit to add to the atmosphere, and Frank Sinatra’s familiar voice sang quietly in the background.

Entering the lobby, he saw Laren scanning the photos on the wall. She was wearing a black cocktail dress that hugged her feminine figure perfectly.

“I was just thinking, I don’t know that we’ve actually shaken hands yet.”

Laren turned, her green eyes twinkling. “You know, I think you’re right.” She extended her hand. “Laren. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Connor, and the pleasure’s all mine.”

A hostess soon ushered them to an intimate booth and provided menus. Sitting across from Laren, Connor couldn’t help but realize how little he actually knew about her. This was to be expected, since they just met the previous morning, but still he felt that he should know more, that he needed to know more. Connor would never be called a ladies’ man, but he was a decent conversationalist when he felt comfortable, and lucky for him, Laren wasn’t the shy type.

“So, Laren, I know you’re here on your father’s behalf. Is that your full-time job?”

Laren responded in a relaxed fashion with an answer that sounded well rehearsed. “I’m lucky to be part of a family that has been in New York for generations. My ancestors were smart enough to buy land in the city and the surrounding areas. As a result, property and business management has long been the family profession.”

“Being so close to your family must be nice.”

“It has its pros and cons. You met my brother. I love him to death but he’s not the most social person.” Changing the topic ,she returned the question. “And you, Connor? You look like you’re close to your mother. From my limited interaction with her, she seems like a wonderful person.”

Connor smiled, reflecting on how fortunate he was to have such a loving parent. “She’s the strongest person I know and has always been there for me.”

“And your father? Does he work at the shop as well?”

Connor shifted his gaze to the white tablecloth. “I never knew my father, he left when I was a baby.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Connor. I didn’t know.”

“Please. There’s no way you could have, and besides, tonight we’re just getting to know each other. So tell me, what is that emblem on your necklace?”

Laren shifted her eyes down and gently cupped the tiny bronze trinket in her hand just like she had done in the forest. “It was a gift from my father, a token passed down from my ancient ancestors. It represents our family crest. My family and I are descendents from landowners that originated in early Rome. The symbol is our house sigil. It stands for strength, honor, and family loyalty. My last name is Abelardus, Latin for ‘noble strength.’”

“That’s so cool. I mean, to be able to trace your heritage back that far. I don’t even know my father. Is Lu your only sibling?”

“Uh, no… I have a younger brother, who’s… who’s off at school.”

Connor could hear the hesitation in her voice when she spoke about her family, so he decided to redirect the conversation. “And I’ll throw out a guess. You’re probably my age, eighteen, and going to college to study—” He looked her up and down. “Cryptozoology.”

Laren’s eyes widened and she stifled a laugh, “What? Cryptozoology? No, I’m an economics major at—at a private university. I’m out for the summer helping my family with business and I’m—I’m nineteen, but you were close.”

During dinner, Connor had the feeling Laren wasn’t used to talking about herself or her family. The way she paused before explaining certain aspects of her life and the carefully chosen words she used to describe her family made Connor wonder if there wasn’t more to the story. Soon Connor couldn’t contain his thoughts and his intuition had to speak.

“I’m just going to throw this out Copyright 2016 - 2024