The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,69

counting on him to succeed. It wasn’t just the Elites, it was everyone, including his mother.

Like most mornings, the knock on the door came early. Connor didn’t even have to ask, he knew who it was. “Come in.”

Morrigan walked into the room bearing her normal gifts of food and clothing.

Deciding to skip the details of his night, Connor focused on the present and his growling stomach. “Are you going to make me smell out my food again?”

“I don’t think that is necessary. What I do think is necessary is that you get out of bed and ready for the day. We don’t have any time to spare. Lupus and Larentia said your training went well yesterday. How do you feel?”

Connor rose from the bed and stretched. “Great. I’m actually surprised I’m not sore or aching.”

“Well, at least we know your healing factor is working. Now, quickly into the shower,” she scrunched up her nose as if a skunk had just made its presence known. “You smell horrible.”

Thirty minutes later, Connor was once again seated with Morrigan by the window.

“As you know, Lu is teaching you strength and fighting techniques, Laren speed and survival techniques, and I am here to make sure you have as much knowledge as you can retain about who you are and your capabilities. Do you believe that you are not only a Judge, but the Judge that will deliver us in our time of need?”

Connor thought long and hard before he answered the question. “I know I’m an Elite and I do believe that I’m the Judge in your vision. What I don’t understand is how I’m supposed to be this great person when I can’t even lift a boulder, or run through the forest as fast as the people I’m supposed to protect?”

“Because you have to believe in yourself. Don’t think you are strong, don’t think you are fast, believe you are. Know you are and find whatever it is inside of you that drives you to be better. Whatever emotion you draw strength from, use it; make yourself master over your emotions and you will have all the power you need.” Her eyes darkened and she looked at him as if she were a mother talking to her son. “But be careful to harness this power, do not become a slave to your emotions.”

Connor nodded. “I think I know what I have to do.”

“I think you do, too.”

And that was it. That was the end of Morrigan’s visit. She led him outside the castle walls and once again to Lupus’ drill camp.

“Did you come ready to do work, rookie?” Lu asked with a grin, his shoulder-length brown hair falling around his face.

“Are you ready? I’m not holding back today.”

“Well, let’s see it.” Lu pointed to a boulder the size of a large suitcase. Connor gritted his teeth and set to his task. His mind was racing with things that made him mad, that made him angry. He squatted next to the boulder, his hands searching for a grip along its jagged edges.

Your father is still alive. You were left in the dark all these years and he’s alive. He didn’t leave you. People took him away from you. Connor’s arms shook with the exertion as he strained against the rock. Mom must be worried. She’s all alone now. All by herself while you’re out playing savior. First he left her and now you left her. His legs and thighs screamed under the pressure, but still he pulled.

Faust was going to kill them. He was seconds away from killing Lu and Laren. He would have murdered them without a second thought.

Then, there it was. Just like before when he was playing sports, except one hundred times magnified. There it was like a shining answer, the rage, the power, that “it” factor that he’d tapped into so many times in the past. Here it was, this time it was on steroids. It was an inner source of power before, a force that he could draw strength from. Now it was a hurricane of emotion and rage.

Connor let out a roar as he felt the power coursing through his body. He felt numb, he felt invincible. Then the boulder moved, not a lot, just a few inches. Connor put his back into it now. Grunting, his vision turned red, almost blurry as he lifted the rock from its place and threw it into the water.

He sank to his knees. His mouth felt different. It wasn’t painful. It Copyright 2016 - 2024