The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,68

moon’s light over the castle. When Connor finally reached the room, the vibration stopped and his eyes were met with a ghastly scene. Lying sprawled around the room were the five Council members, covered in their own blood.

Adolpho, Thema, Ardan, Raban, and Tian were all wearing the same expression: lifeless eyes and mouths mangled in silent screams. It took Connor a few moments to gather himself before he realized he wasn’t the only one in the room.

“So, you’re Caderyn’s son?”

The male voice came from a robed figure standing near the back of the room. His face was covered by a dark hood and he was staring into the fireplace, now just a few dying embers.

“Who are you? What have you done to the Council?”

“You mean the traitors, don’t you? I killed them.”

“Traitors? What are you talking about?”

“They betrayed me a long time ago, your father more recently, and they will betray you soon enough.” The figure’s voice was strong and menacing. He was tall, and although Connor couldn’t see much, he sensed a power to this man he couldn’t describe.

“My father was punished for breaking the Law.”

“Harsh words coming from the son he’s imprisoned for saving. Your father was a hero who made a poor decision. Now he rots in prison. Let there be no mistake, Connor, they will use you, and when they are done with you, they will throw you away. Like they did to me. Like they did to your father.”

“No, I won’t believe that.”

“Connor, I know you have been forced to bear a heavy burden with the revelation of your heritage, but know beyond all of this, beyond being an Elite, a Judge, and even the chosen savior, there will be another heavier decision to make.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m planning to offer you a place by my side when I return. A place of true power.”

“When you return? Who are you?”

“You’ll know soon enough. Right now all you need to be concerned about is what will happen if you choose to stand against me. As an ally, I will make you a great leader, but stand against me, and your life and the lives of those you love, including your mother’s, will be forfeit.”

“My mother? If you touch her—”

“If I touch her? You’ll what? You’re just starting to understand your powers, much less control them. I could crush you here and now but I’m offering to give you a chance to rule both the Elite race and the lower human race with me.”

“Rule? No, you’re crazy. I’m not going to join you.”

“Then you are a fool.” The dying flames in front of the man shot to life and Connor could feel hate emitting from the shadowed figure. “It does not matter. If you stand against me, I will crush you, savior or not.” He rotated his body, looking at Connor. “You are the savior, aren’t you?”

He was still too far away for Connor to make out his features and the hood cast a warped shadow across his face, hiding his identity.

“I- I think I am.”

“You are not, or you would know. Greatness is not something you believe and it happens. You know it or you don’t. I am great, and when I return, the Five Families will tremble before me and there is nothing you or anyone else can do.”

In the blink of an eye, he stood before Connor. It was so fast, it was as if he teleported instead of ran. He grabbed Connor by the throat with one hand and lifted him into the air. “Feast your eyes on greatness, Connor Moore, and know that I am coming to have my revenge!”

The man threw back his hood and revealed a gruesome sight. He was more bone than flesh and the skin that clung to his face was charred black. Instead of fangs, an entire row of sharp teeth opened. Despite all of this, Connor was drawn to the man’s eyes, one completely red, the other black.


THE REST OF THE NIGHT was spent tossing and turning. With the first ray of sunlight, Connor found himself sitting up in his bed. He scratched his head, thinking once again about his dream from the night before. What could it have meant? It couldn’t hold any real meaning, could it? It was just his subconscious playing a cruel joke. Then Connor remembered what the man, the creature in his dream, had said about his mother. Dream or not, he clenched his jaw and reminded himself how many people were Copyright 2016 - 2024