The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,49

refused any attempt at negotiation. During this time, I met Connor. I’m not ashamed to say that I was attracted to him, but it was more than just physical. I could tell he was different. As I got to know him, I in no way betrayed the Law. I never spoke about the Elites or the Five Families.”

She paused and took a deep breath. “Lu and I received a message from Faust asking us to meet at the abandoned Catskill Forest ranger station to finally come to a solution. When we got there, we were ambushed. It’s only because of Connor’s actions that my brother and I are alive today. I’m not sure how he was able to kill an Elite, being a half-blood. All I know is that he saved us, and as I saw him there, dying on the floor, I knew the right thing to do was to turn him. I believe my actions were not only necessary for our survival, but also to keep our Law from being broken further. I admit that I turned a half-blood and I stand by my action, willing to accept the consequences.”

Morrigan gave her a nod of approval. “Thank you, Larentia. Lupus, will you please relate the happenings of that night and Mr. Moore’s actions?”

Lu stood from his seat, arms moving, adding strength and support to his words. He led his opening statement with a phrase that shocked the entire room, Council members included. “I, unlike my sister, never saw any value or anything special in Connor.”

Connor exchanged surprised looks with Laren as Lu continued. “Everything my sister said is accurate. If it wasn’t for Connor Moore, both my sister and I would be dead right now and the truth would be kept from your knowledge. I don’t know if it was fate that brought Connor into our lives or something else, all I know is that when we needed him, he was there.”

Morrigan nodded to Lu to take a seat. “Before I introduce Mr. Moore, I would like to tell you a little bit about him.” She looked over at Connor and motioned him to rise. “Connor Moore was raised outside of New York in a small suburban neighborhood. He was nurtured by his loving mother, Rebecca Moore, and never knew who or what his father was. Connor, how old are you?”

“Eighteen,” was his simple response. His palms were sweaty and he did his best to clear his voice from any hesitation, although there was no denying he was nervous.

“And what is your father’s name?”

“I don’t know. Like you said, I never knew him.”

“You all know the prophecy of the Judge that will save us from the darkness. Many of us thought that Caderyn, his father, was this Judge. Caderyn is not the final heir, there is another. Connor Moore is the last, and a direct descendent of the ancient bloodline of Judges. I would submit to the Council that he is the savior that will deliver us in our greatest hour of need, fulfilling the prophecy.”

The room erupted into chaos. Shouts from the audience were deafening. Connor was able to make out a few angry yells.

“That is blasphemy!”

“No half-blood could ever be our savior!”

“He is the savior!”

“This has nothing to do with the trial!” Christof shouted, outraged. “That issue belongs to a separate trial! I move to strike the current statement from the record books!”

The Council were the only quiet ones in the room. They sat looking at each other with furrowed eyebrows and vexed expressions. Finally, Adolpho took control. Rising from his chair, he extended a palm, quieting the audience. He stood until there was silence, daring anyone to make a sound.

“The Council will take the rest of the afternoon to decide if Morrigan’s claim, that Connor Moore is the savior of the prophecy, will be considered as part of this case. In the meantime, no one having part in this deliberation will leave the grounds and we will reconvene tomorrow morning. That is all.”

As all five members of the Council now stood to leave, the room was once again obliged to kneel and avert their eyes. Connor’s heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. Morrigan hadn’t given him the slightest inclination that she planned to reveal him as this so-called savior today. He didn’t know whether to feel betrayed or thankful, misinformed or shielded.

The next few moments passed in silence as the Council left the Chamber. As soon as the doors closed behind them, the Copyright 2016 - 2024