The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,48

approving nod and Randolph appeared. Walking down the rows of onlookers, he knelt at the Council’s table. When he received their permission to rise, he stood next to Faust.

His blue eyes moved from side to side and his normal grandiose attitude was replaced with anxiety. Sweat formed on his brow before Christof even directed a question toward him.

Seeing that his witness was not in the best state, Christof immediately dove into his questions. “Randolph, you came across Larentia and Connor a few nights before the incident in the forest, did you not?”

Randolph nodded his assent, his eyes huge as saucers.

“In your own words, how would you describe their relationship towards one another?”

Randolph cleared his throat. “They seemed comfortable with one another. As if they were good friends, or perhaps more than friends. I knew Larentia was aware of the four Laws, so I didn’t question her intent with the human.”

“Having seen them together, would you say the idea that Larentia Abelardus turned Connor Moore was a very real possibility?”

Grabbing his own collar, he tilted his head back, giving his neck a reprieve from the chaffing dress shirt. “Yes, I believe that is a possibility.”

“Lastly, would you describe the course of the night in the forest for us?”

Randolph proceeded to tell the room the happenings of the night in question just as Faust had. “Faust, myself, and three other Family members were scheduled to meet Larentia and Lupus in the Catskill Forest Preserve to discuss a property claim. They didn’t want to talk. As soon as we got there, they started yelling, and soon after, they attacked us. It should have been easy for us to outmatch them, but Lupus’ rage was more than we could handle. My family and I are not fighters; we’re peaceful. We tried to stop them, begged them to show mercy. Instead, Connor appeared. He killed our Family member and tore out Faust’s eyes. They held me down and forced me to watch. It was only by a miracle that Faust and I escaped with our lives.”

Randolph stopped, his eyes watering as he tried to fight back his fake tears.

Connor wondered if the Council picked up on the uncanny similarity of Faust’s and Randolph’s story. He had no way of knowing, trying to read their expressions was pointless.

“Thank you, Randolph,” Christof said. “Well, there you have it. In the words of two men that were there that night, you have the accurate account of the happenings in the Catskill Forest. I’m not sure what is left to discuss. Larentis and Lupus have already admitted their hand in killing their fellow Elites and also in turning Mr. Moore. I beg of you to tell me what they can say that could prove them innocent?”

He finished his argument. “I want to thank the Council for hearing the truth, and I, along with the rest of the room, am confident that you will find justice and punish the guilty.”

Thema stood up. “Thank you, Christof.”

Christof gave a bow as he backed away. A chair was brought for him and he sat beside Randolph and Faust, waiting to hear his opponent’s rebuttal.

“Morrigan, you may begin,” Thema informed her before taking a seat.

Morrigan stood up and walked toward the Council as calm as ever. Her matter of fact attitude served her well. “Esteemed Council, ladies and gentlemen, I would ask you all to keep a question in mind before I begin with my first witness to relate the events that took place that night and what occurred with Mr. Moore.”

She paused now, looking each Council member in the eye. “The Law was created to protect our kind from ourselves. Throughout history, when the Law was broken, or was threatened to be broken, the culprits were dealt with justly, and more often than not, executed. I would ask that you all consider in your own hearts whether the actions taken by the accused did more to keep the Law or break it.”

Morrigan turned now and looked at Laren. “If you would, Larentia, please tell us of your relationship with Mr. Moore, why you were in the Catskills to begin with, and tell us of the events that occurred.”

Laren stood tall and slender. Her hands fell to her side and her voice was firm and honest. “My brother and I were sent by our Family to meet with Randolph and Faust to try to workout a peaceful solution to the land dispute in upstate New York. They didn’t show up to the meeting and Copyright 2016 - 2024