Battle Bond: An Urban Fantasy Dragon Series (Death Before Dragons #2) - Lindsay Buroker Page 0,89

my cheek with his thumb and gazed into my eyes as the healing energy faded, but my awareness of him and his touch didn’t fade. The urge to kiss him returned to me. But that would be a bad idea. He would snort and remind me that he wasn’t attracted to me. There would be no reason for him to play along a second time.

He leaned his face toward mine, and for a startled moment, I thought he would kiss me, but he pressed his forehead against mine instead and murmured two words. “Aryoshanti sharyo.”

Was I supposed to say that back? Would it kill the moment to ask what it meant? More importantly, was he looking at my lips and thinking how sexy they were, or was that my imagination? Definitely my imagination. He was probably disgusted that he’d pretended to be into me back in there. Though he didn’t look disgusted. He looked… contemplative.

Zav shook his head slightly, as if he’d reached some decision, then lowered his hand and stepped back. Without another word, he walked into the portal and disappeared.

I bit my lip, afraid my reaction—or non-reaction—had been the wrong one. I should have closed my eyes, leaned into him, and let myself appreciate his gesture. It had seemed meaningful. But my irreverent mind had been too busy yammering for me to realize it.

Now, with Zav gone and sweat drying on my skin in the damp air, I felt cold and alone. The moment seemed a representation of my life. Always alone. Never with someone to go home to, or go home with. I’d picked that life, but it didn’t mean I didn’t regret it. It didn’t mean I didn’t sometimes long for companionship.

I rubbed my face, trying to push aside the funk. It wasn’t as if I was missing Zav. The epitome of infuriating arrogance. I’d have to be nuts to want that in my life.

“You’re losing it, girl,” I muttered and headed inside to fetch my duster.

I didn’t need any more dragon distractions. I had a friend to help.


Hammering noises came from the inside of Nin’s no-longer-charred food truck. It was still parked in the same spot in the commissary compound, but I’d heard she’d successfully driven it around the block and nothing had fallen off. With Crying Tiger freshly painted in bright blue letters on the side, the truck was starting to look like it had before the fire.

I knocked on the door, and Nin came out with a paint-stained rag. She smiled warmly at me, then waved at a security camera mounted under the awning.

“Is that a new one or did it survive the fire?” I asked.

“It is the old one, and it did survive the fire. Once I was able to get the footage downloaded, I learned that it caught the face of the person who started the fire.” She pulled out a folded piece of paper and showed me a color printout.

“That’s the leopard shifter I pummeled. Too bad it wasn’t one of the Pardus brothers themselves. I’d have an easier time getting backup if they were being blatant about their illegal activities.”

“Do you need backup? You had mentioned that the dragon might assist you with negotiations.”

“I know, but he got injured and is back in his world recuperating.”

Nin’s eyes widened. “What could injure a dragon?”

“Another dragon. Specifically, a magical trap set by one.” I waved in dismissal, not wanting to think about Zav or Dob. It was time to focus and complete this mission. “I need to handle this without him. I shouldn’t have been relying on some outsider anyway. I’m capable of dealing with shifters by myself… though I do acknowledge that I’ll need a few distractions, things going on outside while I’m sneaking in. Why, you ask? Because when I drove by this morning, there were even more of those cat shifters loitering at the Pardus house. I’m honestly flummoxed. What could possibly be there that’s so interesting?”

“Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?” Nin seemed earnest about the suggestion.

“Probably, but that can’t be all of it.” I shrugged. “I don’t care what they’re doing. I just want to solve your problem. So, as I said, I’ll need distractions. That’s why I called this meeting. Let’s wait until Dimitri and his phone get here before I explain things.”

“His phone?”

“Zoltan has agreed to be on a call with us.” I glanced at the time. “In fourteen minutes. He was unwilling to wake up before his regular evening rising hour.”

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