Battle Bond: An Urban Fantasy Dragon Series (Death Before Dragons #2) - Lindsay Buroker Page 0,88

going to be all right? Is there anyone I can get to help?”

In this forsaken world?

“Maybe Zoltan the vampire alchemist has a nice potion.”

Zav pushed himself into a sitting position, his wings drooping at his sides. I am in pain, but I still have my power. I will create a portal and go see someone who can heal me more efficiently than I would naturally. I have no wish to crawl into a dank cave in these woods and spend weeks regenerating.

I almost said that if he could regenerate in human form, he could stay in my apartment, but I couldn’t think of anything more awkward after that weird compulsory kiss that had ended up far too real, at least for me, than I could have imagined. Besides, if he could go home and get healed by another dragon, that would be best.

“Do you think that’s what Dob will do?” I didn’t like the idea of him hanging out in the area when Zav was gone, especially now that he wanted to kill me instead of simply using me.

Possibly. I hope he returns to that cave where I set a trap. Zav clacked his jaws together in what sounded like appreciation—or delight. Either way, he should not be strong enough to bother you for a few days. With luck, I will return by then. He killed goblins and humans cruelly and for no point other than to vex me.

“Will you try to hunt him down and kill him for that?”

It is against our laws to kill dragons and dragon-kin. It will be my duty to capture him for punishment and rehabilitation.

“Will that be as difficult as it sounds?”

Yes. Not because I can’t capture him but because his family has powerful allies on the Dragon Justice Court and in prominent positions throughout the Cosmic Realms. It is likely they will, through political maneuvering, be able to have him set free without punishment.

I didn’t like the sound of that.

Zav turned his gaze toward me. You will be able to make your way home safely?

My cheeks flushed at the insinuation that I’d be helpless without my dragon bodyguard. But after my performance today, how could I expect him to think anything else?

“Yeah.” I jerked a thumb toward the parking lot on the other side of the building where my Jeep waited. “No problem.”

I didn’t ask him if he would come back and help with my problem, not when we hadn’t accomplished what I’d said I would help him with first. As I’d feared all along, I would have to figure out a way to deal with the shifter brothers on my own.

“Sorry I wasn’t more help,” I added. “And that you got hurt because of me.”

Zav continued to gaze down at me. I was still standing there, holding Chopper. He probably thought it was silly that I’d run out, thinking I could actually do something to protect him.

I asked you to come. It was my mistake.

That made me feel worse instead of better. Pathetically useless.

He opened a portal, a great shimmering silver puddle of energy in the air. But he paused before stepping through it. He transformed into his human form, and it was a startling reflection of the injuries he’d received as a dragon.

His eyes held pain, his dark hair was tousled, and blood dripped from a gouge in his temple. Even his robe was shredded, hinting of wounds to his body.

But he still radiated power, and seeing him in human form again rekindled memories of that kiss. More than memories. Even bruised and battered, and with Dob’s influence fading, I wanted to step closer to him, to bask in his power. In that stupid alluring aura of his that I couldn’t wash off. It was definitely for the best that he was leaving for a while. As it was, I feared my dreams would be distressingly erotic for the next few nights.

Zav stepped close and lifted a hand to the side of my face. I froze, afraid he was going to leave me with some new compulsion. But all he did was send his healing power through me, stealing the aches and pains throughout my body, and mending the tiny cut Dob had left on my face.

Tears welled in my eyes. Why was he wasting his energy on me when he should use it for healing himself? Did he feel guilty because I’d been hurt trying to help him with his foe? Could a haughty, arrogant dragon even feel guilt?

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