Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,3

as I kneel beside him and watch him. He turns on the flashlight and sits up. At his cringe of pain, I lunge forward to help him. “Be careful!”

He flashes me an amused grin, his sparkling gaze meeting mine again. “I’m okay, sweet pea. Thanks for your concern.”

“Please, let me help you.” I stand and offer him my hand. If I were stronger, I’d bend down to help lift him, but this is the most I can offer right now. He’s got to be wobbly after going through that whole ordeal.

He chuckles and clenches at his ribs with the move. “Fuck!” He hisses the curse. “I think I broke a rib or two in that tumble. They’re the worst to crack, they screw with everything.”

“You don’t seem too upset about it, at least not as much as I would think. Has this happened before or something?”

“Not exactly. I’ve wrecked before, back when I was a kid. I prefer to stay on my bike; I learned that the hard way.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t move. I don’t want to make it any worse. We should get an ambulance here with a stretcher, especially if your ribs are injured.”

He flashes me his beguiled grin again and argues, “I’ll be all right, sugar. I’m a man.”

I roll my eyes but step away. I’m still close enough to help if he needs it, but I give him a little space to move. If anything, I’m happy to know he’s well enough to act a bit macho around me. He finally gets to his feet, hand firmly holding his injured side. He’s tall, much taller than he’d appeared to be on the ground. I don’t know why, but that detail excites me even more.

“Be careful,” I chastise. My concern leaks through, although the only thing I should be trying to do is get out of here as quickly as possible. It’s nighttime, and I’m with a bleeding stranger. “Let me hold the light so you can see where you step.” I don’t think he’s used to having a woman help him, but I can’t seem to stop myself.

“This is sweet, havin’ you fuss over me like this.” He completely ignores my cautionary suggestion and takes a hefty step, only to trip and fall down. “Fuck!” The gorgeous brute curses and I move to pick up his phone that’s flown a few feet away. “Shit, that hurt,” he grumbles.

“I’ve read that after an accident you can be disoriented and need assistance walking. That’s why I offered.”

“Well, that makes me an idiot, I suppose,” he complains, moving slower to stand this time.

“That’s not what I meant, I just…well, never mind. Are you okay?”

He expels a heavy breath and nods. “You…ah…wanna help me out, then? I’ll check out your car too.”

“Um, sure. Um, you don’t have to do that. I mean, really, I made you wreck. This is all my fault.”

“Sweet pea—”



“My name…it’s Savannah. Savannah Mae Lexington.”

“Nice to meet ya, Miss Lexington.”

“Please, Savannah is fine.”

He nods, and I duck under his arm to offer him some added balance. I point his phone in front of us and carefully guide him to take slow steps, so he doesn’t fall again. “Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he mentions.

“Are you flirting with me right now?”

He chuckles, only to groan in pain. “Just callin’ it like I see it. I meant no offense, just stating facts. Kind of hard not to notice your beauty when I have you next to me.”

“I’m not offended in the slightest. Just surprised that you’re well enough to flirt after a serious accident. It’s actually comforting to know you’re not completely disoriented.”

His grin remains firmly in place, and I find myself drawn to the handsome biker’s easy smile. “Do me a favor and pop open your hood, would ya?” he asks as he leans against the front of my car.

“I can’t believe you’re trying to help me after what just happened,” I mumble and climb behind the wheel. I reach down by my leg to pull the hood release latch. It makes a popping sound, and I stare out ahead to watch him mess with the hood latch, moaning and groaning to himself.

“Stay there, Savannah, and crank the engine when I tell you to.”

“Yeah, okay.”

He lifts the hood with a pained grunt, and I nearly hop out to help. He’s a manly man, though, and I’m sure he’d take offense to it, rather than allow me to step in. I still feel a sense of guilt as my Copyright 2016 - 2024