Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,2

of us, but I can’t seem to stop. My body shakes with adrenaline, my mind beckoning me to help him, but I’m clueless as to what to do.

This is all my fault.

He wheezes again, and I move to lay his head in my lap. I brush my hand over his scruffy whiskers painted with blood and dust and expel a sigh. He’s utterly beautiful, no matter he’s covered in grime. I can’t help but take notice, even a fool wouldn’t be blind to his magnificence. I can only imagine how handsome he must be without the tells of the wreck covering his features, how charming his smile is sure to be.

“I’m sorry—so, so sorry,” I whisper, repeating myself as a few of my tears fall to his face. I remain over him, cradling his head carefully, hoping to offer him some sense of comfort. My fingers softly pet his scruff, unable to stop from touching him. “Come back. Oh, God, what have I done?” I beg. “I wish I could help you.” My eyes clench closed, consumed with grief from accidentally hurting someone this badly. “I don’t know what to do to bring you back.”

“Shh,” comes from my lap with a deep rasp. A large calloused hand reaches up, tenderly cupping my cheek.

Parting my lids, my somber gaze finds the man awake in my lap. I made him wreck, yet he attempts to console me. “Y-you’re back? You didn’t die?”

His lips tilt into a smirk. “I could believe this is Heaven, and you’re an angel, but I don’t think my body would be this sore if it were the case.”

Biting my lip, I watch him as he continues to stroke his thumb across my cheek. He’s catching my tears, staring at me as if I’m the only person he’s ever seen. “You wrecked. M-my car is in the road, and you smacked into it. You flew through the air and hit the ground pretty hard. It sounded so bad.” More tears spill over with my admission, and he reaches for the hand I have against his chest.

He lays his warm, rough palm over it, growing serious. “My headlight went out…I never saw you. Are you all right, darlin’?”

“Me? You’re worried about me? I just saw you f-fly through the air. I watched your body hit the ground, and it was terrifying. I thought you were dead.”

His brows bunch, his lips pouting a bit before he says, “Of course, I am. Only a dick wouldn’t care if you were injured. Now, tell me, did I hurt you when I hit your vehicle?”

I shake my head, my hand lightly moving over his chin. I can’t stop touching him, nor do I want to. I’m so thankful he’s alive. “I’m okay. You’re the one who I thought was going to die. God, I’m so sorry.”

“I heard you before, Angel. You don’t have to keep apologizing to me.”

“You could hear me? But you were unconscious. At one point, I wasn’t sure you were even breathing. I think you stopped, then somehow started once I prayed.”

He shrugs and winces with the move. “I could hear your voice, not anything else. Just you. Sounds to me like you’re the one who saved me.”

I bite my lip, not sure how to take his words. “Uh, can you move your body?”

“I think so. Did you happen to call the police or anyone else about this?”

Swallowing roughly, I shamefully admit, “I don’t have a phone. I wish I could’ve to get you help. You need someone here to check your injuries.”

He relaxes, and with a gesture, he points toward his foot. “Mine’s in my boot. Would ya hand it to me so we can take a look at the damage? No need to rush into calling the paramedics when I’m still kicking.”

“Yes, of course.” I carefully move so as not to hurt him any further. Leaning over his body a bit, I pull up his faded jean leg on the opposite side. I reach into his chunky black leather riding boot and pull out an S9. I hand it over, surprised to see it’s still there after what he just endured, and it’s not even cracked. I bet he looked sexy dressed in his distressed jeans, boots, white T-shirt and leather vest before all of this happened and covered him in blood and road grime.

He presses the side button, expelling a relieved breath when it illuminates. “Good, it still works.”

I bob my head, not sure what else to do Copyright 2016 - 2024