The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,63

but I’m definitely not in a rush to get away from them.

My phone beeps.

Dan: So I was right by Ferguson’s when you texted…

I frown down at my phone, wondering what the hell he’s talking about.

Dan: I’m outside. Should I come in, or do you want to get out of there?

I can’t help the scowl that takes over my face. He just showed up here? What the hell?!

A chuckle from Sophie makes me look up. “What’s wrong? You look like you’re about to bitch-slap someone.”

I immediately rearrange my face so I’m no longer grimacing, no matter how much I want to. “Um, Dan’s outside.”

Sophie raises an eyebrow in surprise. “Is he coming in?”

I guess I could get him to come in, but if I think about it, I don’t actually want him to, not with all these people he doesn’t know. I don’t actually want to see him at all.

My phone beeps again.

Dan: Come on, I can see you. Let’s go have some fun this afternoon.

I look out toward the parking lot and see him pulled up right outside the window in some fancy car. He waves when he sees he’s got my attention. Brett glances down at my phone, seeing the message, and then turns to see him parked outside, and for a split second, I’m embarrassed by Dan. I feel like in Brett’s two-second glance toward Dan, he’s probably judging him, there in his expensive car and his text, which is almost summoning me, and I don’t want him to think less of me because of it.

“Someone’s eager,” Sasha says, smiling over at me.

I really couldn’t care less.


Sophie winks. “Let Dan Summers take your mind off some of your stresses for a couple of hours.”

I glare at her, for some reason not liking that she’s saying this in front of Brett and his friends, which is just confusing, because why the hell would I care if Brett thinks I’m sleeping with this guy or not?

“I guess I’m out,” I say, throwing my phone into my bag and leaving some cash on the table for my share of the bill and tip. Brett scoots over to let me out and I wave to them all, making my way to the entrance, and I hear a burst of laughter behind me just as I’m about to reach the door.

I look back at them and see that Jessie has spilled his soda down himself and is wiping at it while Sophie says something that makes them all laugh again. Yeah, no doubt about it, I’d rather be over there with all of them, and watching them laugh and joke about something just makes me feel like I’m missing out.

What makes me feel weirder still is that the second I’m out of the booth and making my way to Dan’s car, I miss the warmth of Brett’s body next to mine.


“So, I’m sorry.”

I look up from digging in my locker to see Sarah standing next to my locker.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m sorry, okay?” she says again, looking like she’d rather be anywhere but here right now and as uncomfortable as I’ve ever seen her. “I was a total bitch about you that night at the party, I shouldn’t have told everyone about your grades, and I deserved you calling me out and hooking up with Dan Summers.” She sighs. “You know that made me crazy jealous. You won.”

Dan Summers, the guy she has a crush on and the guy who, while I was hanging out with him last night, I realized I have absolutely no interest in. When he tried to get me to disappear up to his room with him, it clicked that I had no desire whatsoever to sleep with him, and I promptly left, telling him I wasn’t looking to date at the moment and he shouldn’t bother texting me again.

“I’m not dating Dan, not anymore. It was just…” I shrug, trying to find the words for it. “It was nothing. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

She looks completely baffled at my apology.

“Seriously, it’s done. I can give you his number if you still want it, but honestly, he’s not all that great, and I think you’re better than him.”

“Who cares what he acts like when he looks like that?”

Yup, my words of wisdom are completely wasted on her.

“Anyway, I’m not here to talk about Dan Summers. I’m sorry for what I did to you.”

I look at her, this girl who was glued to my side for so long.

“Everyone’s frozen me out,” Copyright 2016 - 2024