The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,59

in? Well, that’s even better.

Brett clears his throat. “So how did it go?”

“I did the equations you set up for me, and I think by the end I was getting most of them right.”

He nods.

“At least that’s what my sister said.”

“Your sister helped you?”

“She checked up on me and told me I was doing it right.”

“What does she do?”

Ellie? She’s married to a rich guy and is now raising his child and cooking him his meals and is probably only a few months from becoming pregnant again. “She’s a homemaker right now.”

“She didn’t go to college?”

“She did, but she got married and just had a baby so she’s just doing that right now.”

“She doesn’t want to work?”

I shrug. I’ve never thought about it. “Um, probably eventually. She might do charity lunches soon. Her husband’s end goal is politics.”


He couldn’t sound more judgmental if he tried. “What does that mean?”




“Yes, it does.”

“Just that if her husband is going to move into politics, he probably has a lot of money so she doesn’t have to work.”

Well, yes, but… “So? What do you care if she works or not?”

“I don’t.”

“You have a problem with my sister not working?”

“I don’t have a problem.”

“You know what, Brett? You can be really judgmental.”

“I can be judgmental?”

“Yes! You.”

“I’m not the one who just introduced myself to a guy who’s been in my homeroom for the last two years.”

I freeze.

Jason. Dammit!

I know Jason, of course I do. He sits in the back of the class and is always finishing his homework last minute.

“I’m just not used to seeing Jason outside of school,” I snap at Brett, mainly because I’m embarrassed that I’ve been called out like this.

“We’re here at most parties,” he tells me. “Have been for years. You just think you’re too good to notice us.”

My jaw drops. “I’m the judgmental one? You’re the one who has all these assumptions about me. You have no idea about me or my life.”

He snorts. “Your perfect life with your perfect car and your perfect house and your perfect bank account that allows you to throw a party like this?”

“You are such a dick, do you know that?” I hiss angrily, aware that our argument is garnering a bit of attention. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Your dad’s a successful lawyer and your sister is married to a future politician—I have a pretty good idea what I’m talking about when it comes to people like you.”

“People like me?”

“Is everything okay?” Dane has reappeared next to us, and I didn’t even notice I’m so busy being pissed at this idiot.

“No, it is not okay. Your friend is a judgmental, arrogant dick.”

Then I swivel on my heel and stalk back into the house, away from Brett and his judgmental attitude.

And even though the night moves on and Chase tells me how much the bidding raised, even though everyone else seems to be having a great time and there’s no doubt at all that the party has been a big success and has raised a ton of money, I can’t get Brett’s words out of my head.

Not for the rest of the night, or for the rest of the weekend, for that matter.


“I’m sorry.” Brett slides into the seat across from me in the library and pushes a coffee cup over to me. “It’s your favorite.”

My eyes flit to the coffee, but I don’t make any move to go for it.

“You were right—I was a dick the other night, and you didn’t deserve it.”

I still don’t say anything.

He sighs. “I didn’t even know if you’d be here today.”

I very nearly didn’t show up, but I need to graduate, and Sasha talked me into coming despite how pissed I am at him.

“I really am sorry.”

“You were really out of line.”

He nods. “I know.”

I eye him for a second, trying to figure out if he’s genuine or not, and then eventually reach for the drink and take a sip.

“Look, it is none of my business what your sister does.”


“Or what you have in your bank account.”

“Also correct.”

“Or what car you drive.”

“Again, correct.”

He rolls his eyes. “I was just being a sensitive jerk and took it out on you.”

A sensitive jerk?

“Why were you being sensitive?”

He lets out a long sigh and leans back in his seat.

He’s quiet for the longest time, so long I don’t think he’s going to answer. Eventually… “I would have really liked Aaron’s prize with the car.”

“Yeah, it was one of the most popular items of the night.”

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