The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,58

don’t like it, and then I tell her I have to go check on Dan just as there’s a cheer from the crowd that means Brendon probably has his date.

I walk into the kitchen and see that Dan’s friends have already found a couple of Grove Valley girls who they’re chatting away with, and Dan is talking to Jackson, laughing at something he’s saying and reminding me that these guys have probably played each other so many times over the years that they’re pretty familiar with each other.

I approach them slowly just as Jackson looks up. “Hey, Abbie. You want me to tell you something that’s going to blow your mind?”


He smirks at the look on my face then tells me a number that is so high it makes my jaw drop.

“Are you being serious?”

He laughs. “Yup. That’s how much you’ve made off the entry fee alone.”

I feel like I’m about to pass out. I knew we’d make some decent money tonight, but I didn’t imagine it would be into the multiple thousands.

“That’s awesome, babe,” Dan says, throwing his arm around me and kissing my cheek.

It takes everything I have not to shift away from him. Is it normal to be so confident and full steam ahead with someone when you’ve only been on a few dates?

Jackson eyes dart back and forth between us, and he smirks before excusing himself.

I watch him go, wishing he’s stayed. I’d have more to talk about with Jackson than with Dan.

“So how late does this thing go?” Dan asks me.

I shrug. “No idea.”

He turns to face me, his hands dropping to my hips and pulling me toward him slightly. “I’ve got a free house tonight.”

I raise an eyebrow at him.

“We could go back there…”

Yeah, I got that. “I’m going to need to stay here until the end and help clean up.”

He doesn’t look the least bit put out by that. “Oh yeah?”

I think he’s about to offer to stay and help me clean up too.

“Well it seems like there are probably a couple of spare bedrooms in this place,” he starts, a smirk on his face. “We could go upstairs for little while.”

Is he actually suggesting I ditch my own fundraising event to go upstairs and have sex with him for the first time in my ex-boyfriend’s house? “Not going to happen.”

He mock-pouts at me, tugging me closer to him so my hips are resting against his. “Don’t be like that. I’ll make it worth your while.”

Does he actually think he’s tempting me right now? “Yeah, I’m not gonna do that.”

He has the audacity to look surprised, like I’m being unreasonable. “Maybe I can change your mind?”

Before I can react, he’s leaning forward and kissing me, soft gentle kisses that I should be really into, before he leans back to see if he’s made any progress.

I roll my eyes, because he is a good kisser, but when my eyes fall behind him, I see Sarah standing in the corner with her eyes on us. She looks away the second she sees me looking, but it’s too late to mask the hurt on her face. She really is into Dan.

I push him away.

Sarah and I might not be on speaking terms anymore, but I don’t need to be making out with her crush in front of her. That’s just cruel.

I make up an excuse about needing to go to the bathroom then walk in the opposite direction of the bathroom and head out into the garden to get some fresh air, along with some needed distance between me and Dan Summers.

And I run right into Brett.

“Hey! You’re here?”

“Nothing gets past you, does it?”

I scowl. Is there any need for his constant attitude?

I turn to his friends, the same two I always see him with, and flash them my widest smile. “Brett doesn’t have any manners so has never introduced us—I’m Abigail.”

Brett rolls his eyes. “They know who you are, smartass.”

His friends grin at me. “I’m Dane.”


“Great to meet you.”

His friends looks between us. “We’re gonna get some more drinks.”

I watch them leave and turn back to him. “I studied all day today, for eight hours straight.”

“What do you want, a medal?” My face must fall at his response because he shakes his head a second later. “Sorry, that’s awesome.”

I glance down at the floor. I get that studying for that long wouldn’t be a big deal for him, but for me, it’s a real achievement. The fact that I think some of it actually sank Copyright 2016 - 2024