Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,84

not. I’m sorry.”

“Do you-” Caitlyn’s voice began to catch and she stopped herself and restarted. He knew that she wanted to sound strong, pretend like this did not bother her as much as it really did. “Do you have proof?”

“I do.” Declan walked over to his computer, pulling up the information that Caleb had given him only minutes before. He indicated for her to sit down in the leather chair, showing her the information that Caleb had uncovered. The birth certificate, pictures, and tracking information that the Tribunal had kept on him over the years. It seemed that the Council had been keeping close tabs on him.

She pushed the chair away from the computer desk. “None of this makes sense. Why let Garrett mentor me in the first place?”

Declan did not have an answer to that. “I am sure the Council had their reasons.”

“If you are right, and he is not who he is, why would I be in danger now? I am stronger than him.”

“Because you let your defenses down around him. All he would have to do is touch you and perform Projectile Telepathy and then he would have you trapped.” His heart clenched again at the thought of Caitlyn getting hurt.

She stood up, her face calm. Only her voice betrayed her true feelings. “This is impossible, Declan. How do you know he is a bad guy?”

He was honest with her. “I can’t be a hundred percent sure he’s a bad guy, but why would he hide his identity from you?”

“I don’t know.”

He hated stating the following, but he needed to. “If he loved you the way he said he did, he shouldn’t have kept that secret from you. I know I couldn’t have.”

And with that last line, a lone tear fell down her cheek. He strode over to her, wrapping his arms around her as he had done so many times before.

Declan rubbed her back soothingly. He was livid that Garrett would do this to her. Caitlyn deserved better. He held on to her tightly, kissing the top of her head.

When she pulled away, her face was scrunched up in concentration and she looked down at the floor. “There was always something, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

She exhaled loudly. “I mean, all this time, ever since the first day I met Garrett, I have always felt like there was something that he was holding back, something he wasn’t telling me. It’s not like with you-” she glanced up at him. “With you, I feel like I know you. I mean, I really know you. You are good, you are dedicated, and you really only want what is best for me, for the Trust, and for everyone. I never have found myself questioning your motives.”

She bit her lip. “You asked me a couple of nights ago if I loved Garrett. And I couldn’t answer.”

Declan’s heart fluttered unexpectedly as he recalled the conversation and the way he had pondered, albeit briefly, what it would have been like to kiss those full lips of hers. “I remember.”

“I couldn’t answer, because even though I care for him greatly, I knew that he was always holding something back, something that he was not willing to share with me. I didn’t know the real Garrett. How am I supposed to be in love with someone when they won’t give me the opportunity to let me know them?”

“You can’t.”

She looked around his room. “What time is it?”

“Four o’clock.”

“Garrett’s plane should be back here by now. Ugh. How am I going to face him now? Do I confront him?”

“Wait. Garrett’s plane is landing today?”

“Yes. He had called me, letting me know that he would be back early, but would not be able to see me right away because he wanted to speak to your father directly when he arrived back about an important matter. Lionel showed up there after the arrangements had been made. I overheard him offer to pick Garrett up.”

Declan sighed. “Lionel can defend himself, not that I have any reason to think that Garrett would try anything with him. My father will most likely be unavailable for the next few hours. Still, we should get going and meet up with my father before he does, see if my father can shed some light on the situation with Garrett and how best to approach it.”

His student acquiesced, even though she was obviously nervous about a confrontation with the younger Livingston.

Declan’s phone rang again. He pulled out the phone noting it was Caleb. “Yes, Copyright 2016 - 2024