Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,83

was one of my closest friends. He wouldn’t do this, Declan. He just wouldn’t. I know him. He is a good man.”

“He may just be a good actor, Caleb.”

“I refuse to believe that, Declan. But there is more than that.”


“He did not have the security clearance to do so. I have traced the breach to someone very high ranking within this organization. Declan, the person who caused the breach has been with the Trust for a long, long time.”

Declan could not let go of the fact that Garrett was not who he said he was all this time. He lied to him, he lied to his friends, and he lied to Caitlyn. He now had to question, what does Caitlyn know? Had she hidden this from Declan? His heart wretched at the thought his friend could be hiding a secret from him. But she was lovers with Garrett, not him, and it was feasible he told her the truth and she was hiding it to protect him.

Or worse yet, she did not know. What if Caitlyn inadvertently placed herself in danger? What if he was still associated with the Cine Tofa? Everything that Declan had known about Nathaniel Livingston is that he was ruthless, driven, and mad. Many people that were in the Cine Tofa adored him, but his methods were borderline ethical at best sometimes. How could they be sure that Garrett had not been in contact this entire time with the Cine Tofa? Worse yet, with Caitlyn being so obviously strong, what if Garrett tried to hurt her? It would be easy enough for him to take out a strong link. His Projectile Telepathy would make her a very easy target, as she would not block herself from him. Declan could lose her.

Caleb sensed Declan’s urgency and saw Declan’s face pale. “Are you okay, Declan?”

“I have to go. Have you brought this information regarding the breach being a high ranking member to my father yet?”

Caleb shook his head. “I can’t. He is at a Tribunal meeting in Maine. He blocks himself off completely and is unreachable, but you should know that.”

Declan would have to take care of this himself. “I forgot completely about that. When my father is available, let him know immediately. If it really is not Garrett, then he needs to be wary of everyone. If you find out who it is before then, let me know.”

Caleb agreed and they spent a few minutes going over the proof regarding Caitlyn’s former mentor. Declan made a backup of the information that Caleb had found thus far before leaving with the understanding to touch base later tonight. He transported outside Caitlyn’s apartment. He rapped at the door quickly, apprehensive of whether it would be Caitlyn or Garrett that answered the door.

He was relieved when he saw it was her. “Declan! Where were you this morning? I was worried. I knew we did not have training till this afternoon, but when you blocked yourself to me…”

Declan pulled her into the hallway. “Are you alone?”

“Yes. Garrett is gone again on Trust business. Why?”

“Do you trust me?”

Caitlyn’s eyes searched his. “You know I do.”

“I would prefer if we discussed this somewhere more private. Can we go to my house?”

“Of course.”

They both transported to his house, him to the kitchen, her to the living room. Caitlyn rubbed her left arm absentmindedly. “Declan, what is all this about?”

“Caitlyn, have you ever hid anything from me?”

She cocked her head to the side, confused at the question. “Of course not. I have always been one hundred percent honest with you. Why?”

Declan sighed loudly, running a hand through his hair. “Always?”

She put her right hand on his upper arm, staring him in the eye. “Always. Now tell me what this is about.”

“I think you might be in danger.”

She looked bewildered. “Why would you think that? What is going on?”

“Garrett Stevens is not who you think he is.”

Her eyes widened. “What? What are you talking about?”

“Garrett Stevens is not really Garrett Stevens. His name is Garrett Livingston and he is the son of the head of the Cine Tofa.” Declan thought it sounded ridiculous even saying it out loud.

“Is this a sick joke, Declan? Because it really is not very funny.”

“I am not joking, Caitlyn. I assure you, I am deadly serious.”

She swallowed deeply and began playing with the necklace that hung around her throat. “Garrett would not keep anything from me, Declan. I trust him as much as I trust you. You have to be mistaken.”

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