Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,113

in a large room that Caitlyn did not recognize. The various men and women that sat around him, similar in a manner to the Council chambers, looked down at Garrett imposingly. Each wore a ring on their finger and a sash around their neck, of various colors and embroidered with their family crest.

When they stood, Garrett instantly held his head down and got to one knee. His eyes never leaving the tiled floor, he began to talk. “Tribunal, I come here today humbly to ask for not only forgiveness for my actions, but also to ask to become a permanent member of the Trust. I want to restore my family’s honor once again to this Tribunal as the living heir to the Livingston family. I ask to be made Head of Household and help lead the Trust to victory against the Cine Tofa.”

A woman’s voice in a thick Scottish accent spoke up. “Garrett Livingston, please stand up.”

Garrett did as he was asked and eyed the impressive figures before him.

Her voice continued. “The Tribunal has made a decision. The Tribunal, after much deliberation, has agreed to allow you to stay in the Trust’s protection. However, you will not be allowed to be known as your true identity. As was agreed by your mother, you will remain Garrett Stevens, and will not be allowed to take your place as Head of Household. Your family’s seat shall remain empty as to a time when we feel, if ever, that your family deserves its place of honor again. Your family has broken not only our traditions, our ways, but has broken our people. Despite that, it was your father that caused that, the child must be burdened with the father’s mistakes and it is his responsibility to make up for those transgressions against the Trust. If you do not do so, then the burden falls to your child, or your child’s child. But it is a burden that you must bear and until then, no honor will be bestowed amongst the Livingston family. Do I make myself clear?”

Garrett’s face reddened and he wiped discretely at the tears that threatened to fall. It was apparent that it hurt him that he could not take his spot on the Tribunal. “Yes. Very clear.”

A man with a Spanish accent now spoke. “Good. We also have the condition that you are required to work for the Trust as the Trust sees fit, without argument. You may also be subject to random checks and searches. If you do not adhere or comply with these rules, you will be punished accordingly and harshly. Furthermore, you will not be granted the security access of a Descendant for obvious reasons. Is there anything further you would like to say?”

Garrett’s voice reverberated throughout the room. “Although you do not see me fit for this Tribunal, I shall prove you wrong and show that I truly am. I will restore my family’s name eventually, but I accept and respect your decision in the meantime. I thank you Tribunal and consider it an honor to be in your presence.”

“An Honor,” came the reply from the Tribunal in unison.

Councilman McPherson spoke up. “I speak for the Tribunal when I say that we look forward to the day when we can welcome you back to your family chair and can embrace you like the brother we know you to be.”

The rest of the Tribunal did not appear pleased with that last remark, but Garrett gave a small smile, grateful for the Councilman’s generosity of his words.

With that last thought, Caitlyn was then consciously brought back to the training room, her mind attempting to process everything it just witnessed.

Chapter 32

Monroe sat in his chair, fingering the worn binding of his favorite book. He usually found comfort from the words etched in between the covers, but not today. All of the confirmations that he had received today that everything was business as usual was wrong. He just knew it.

Monroe could not shake the feeling that something major was brewing. The Cine Tofa had been unusually quiet as of late, and his contacts with the Trust were virtually impossible to reach, which was not par for the course. Something was happening alright, he just needed to figure out what it was and he hoped that it was soon.

The minutes passed as he found himself re-reading the same passage for the fifth time, not really absorbing the words. His head shot up as he heard the doorbell ring, his butler answering Copyright 2016 - 2024