Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,112

me since I left without as much as a note. I wanted to make sure she was okay. I love Mom.”

Young Garrett was not prepared for what happened next. Nathaniel flung back his fist and punched him square in the jaw. “Your mother was nothing but a dirty whore. The only thing she did right was bear me a son and then she proceeded to take you from me.”

A spark lit in the young man’s eye, defiance in his voice as he shakily stood up. “Mom is not a dirty whore. Don’t you dare say that.”

Nathaniel laughed. His laugh was cold and calculating, and his true persona came out. “No. I said was, son. It’s called past tense. Your mother, as your call her, is dead. She died from illness years ago right after you left. I think it was from a broken heart from her son leaving.”

“You lie! She is not dead! I hate you.”

“I don’t lie, Garrett.” His father turned from him, fingering some of the books that were on Garrett’s shelf. “If you are going to take over for me someday, you have to learn a few facts and it is time you learned them now. One, we are superior. We were made this way, we were made to be special and there is nothing wrong with feeling that way. Two, people are expendable. Whether it is friends, family, or just people in general. You need to be cold and calculating to be on top, Garrett. And finally, three, you may hate me Garrett, but never forget, you are exactly like me. In the end, you will turn out just like your father and live out his legacy the way it was always intended.”

“I will never be like you. I don’t have to live this life. I’ll leave, or worse, I’ll kill myself to make sure you don’t get the pleasure of having someone to hand your legacy to.”

His father turned and laughed at him. “Leave if you like, But remember this. If you leave, you will come back to me just the same begging for forgiveness and I will not be so merciful. And if you by chance happen to stay away long enough, I will come and get you, and let me assure you, the lesson I will teach will be much harder than you would wish.”

The scene turned into another, this one with Garrett standing with a suitcase, his head down in shame. Jonathan McPherson stood there with his hand on his shoulder.

Garrett looked up. “I was wrong to leave, Councilman. My father is evil. I know I do not deserve to come back to the Trust. My mother risked everything for us to come back here and I ruined it. But I am hoping that since you did so for my mother, you will show me the same forgiveness and have the Trust take me back.”

Jonathan’s voice was quiet. “I took your mother back because she wanted a better life for her son. A life that her son threw away.”

The remorse in Garrett’s voice was obvious. “I made a mistake. My father had sent me letters throughout the years; I thought he loved me. Like any teenage boy, they want to know their dad; they want that father figure in their life. So I left in search of it. And for the first few years, I was happy; but then his real side slowly came to light. Councilman, the things that he plans to do are atrocious. I promise, if you let me come back, I will be loyal to the Trust.”

“Do you agree with everything the Trust believes in?”

Garrett shook his head. “No. But does everyone who is a member believe every aspect? But I can promise you this. I don’t agree with what my father is planning. The Trust is the only thing that can stop him. I promise I will do everything in my power to help the Trust’s cause, if only you will give me a chance. Let me take my families place in the Tribunal.”

“We will need to think on this, Garrett. For now, you are to remain in neutral territory. I will make sure that you have protection from your father, at least for now. When a decision has been made, we will come to you. Is that understood?”

Garrett humbly nodded. “Yes. I thank you, Sir.”

Jonathan shook his head. “I would not thank me just yet.”

Caitlyn was beginning to feel dizzy from the changing scenes.

Garrett stood humbly Copyright 2016 - 2024