Autumn's Bane - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,98

luminous than any pearl I had ever seen.

It suddenly occurred to me that as a goddess, I might be able to do things like this. I was learning to work with the magic of water, and Marilee had been teaching me, filling in the gaps of my magical knowledge. I had learned haphazardly, without my mother to train me. Oh, she had taught me some things when I was little, but she had died before I was ready to begin any formal training. Now, I was making up for lost time, but it was almost harder than starting from the beginning.

Morgana slowly circled the table, her hand stretched out above the jacket at all times. She held up her other hand, palm cupped upward holding the pearl. A trail of droplets drifted out from her fingers, hovering in the air behind her.

Through the mists, through the veils,

Carve a path, show the trail,

Sacred water, now I drink,

Waters creep through nook and chink,

Seek and find, deliver to me,

Viktor’s location, for to see.

She paused, holding perfectly still and then suddenly, with one swift motion, plunged the pearl into the bowl of water and leaned over it, staring intently as the water foamed and churned. A moment later, the surface smoothed, still as ice, and from where I stood, I could see an image forming in it. I wasn’t able to tell what it was, but Morgana watched intently.

Then the lights flickered and she stood, letting out a long breath. “I know where he’s being held.” She turned to Cernunnos. “I’ll need your help to send Ember and Raven over there.”

He nodded. “I can do that, my dearest.” He paused, then turned to me as Talia helped Morgana clear the table. “This is neither the best time nor place, but while we’re waiting for Raven, your mother and I discussed the matter, Herne, and we’ve decided you’ll have the wedding in Annwn, at my palace.”

There it was. Firm, no doubt, no wiggle room. I was glad Herne and I had already discussed the possibility of two ceremonies, one for show and one for just us.

“Thank you,” I murmured, feeling suddenly shy. Cernunnos always made me feel spindly and awkward, though I knew he had no intention of doing so.

“Morgana’s seamstresses will make your wedding dress, of course. Fit for a goddess.” Cernunnos seemed more excited than I would have expected, and it struck me that it might be bringing back memories of his own wedding to Morgana. They might live in separate homes, but they still seemed happy together, and they meshed in an unexplainable way.

“All right, who will be going with you and Raven?” Morgana asked. “I can send three of you. No more.”

“I guess…” I glanced at Herne. “You can’t come, can you? Or Kipa?”

He shook his head. “I’m not a god over death. I cannot enter the Underworld.”

I turned to Yutani. “I suppose that means you.”

“I’m sorry, but Yutani can’t go, either,” Herne said.

Yutani jerked around to stare at him. “Why?”

“Your father is Coyote, and Coyote does not walk among the dead. You’re a demigod, regardless of how recently you found out about it.”

Yutani blinked. “I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“Then who do we take?” I couldn’t imagine taking Talia. She wasn’t weak, but she never went out on fights with us.

Herne turned toward Angel. “My instincts tell me to send you along.”

Angel’s eyes widened and she shuddered. “Are you sure? I can’t fight my way out of a barrel. I’m learning but…my magic is still new. Wouldn’t I just be in the way?”

I didn’t want her to come with us, but something resonated inside, like a jigsaw piece fitting into place, and I slowly nodded.

“I think…yes. Angel, we need you.” I wasn’t sure why, but it felt clear as crystal now that she had to go along. However, that meant that I was the one who would do the brunt of the fighting, if there was fighting to be done.

“All right, if you’re sure…” Angel looked like she was seasick, but she straightened her shoulders and asked, “What should I take?”

I turned toward Morgana. “Any suggestions?”

But it was Cernunnos who answered. “You’re not going into a fight. You’re to go in stealth, and you must rely on brains, magic, and cunning to win Viktor back. One thing I say to you,” the Lord of the Forest said, leaning down to hold my gaze. “Remember why you are doing this. Should the occasion arise where you falter, remember the reason for Copyright 2016 - 2024