Autumn's Bane - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,97

likely will try to use Viktor as a bargaining chip in order to trap the rest of us. One goal the dragons have—Typhon’s side, that is—is to destroy the agency since we’re such a threat. And Ashera says that he’s most likely taken Viktor into the Underworld.”

Cernunnos let out a long sigh. “I feared that might be the case.”

“Ashera suggested we take Raven as our guide.” I sat down again and Morgana reached out to pat me gently on the shoulder, a sad smile on her face.

“I concur,” Cernunnos said. “But the trip will be dangerous and you’ll have to make it short. It would help if we knew precisely where in the Underworld to look.” He frowned, turning to Morgana. “My dear, do you have any oracles in your bag of magical tricks?”

She thought for a moment, then said, “Actually, I might. I can do an interdimensional location spell. That way we can find the coordinates for where to send you across. Think of it like…oh…latitude and longitude, only it applies between realms as well.” She glanced around. “It would help if I could have something Viktor touched today. I can take his energy signature from that, and it will give the spell a much better chance of working.”

Talia stood. “His jacket’s in our office. He forgot it when he took off for the nursing home this morning. He wore it in, so the energy should be fairly fresh on it. Do you want me to get it?”

Morgana nodded. “Yes, but please don’t touch it any more than necessary. Use a glove or something to carry it back to me, so your signature doesn’t imprint over his.”

Talia nodded and headed out of the room.

“You should call Raven,” Morgana said to me. “If I find his signature, you’ll want to head out as soon as possible, in case Gyell decides to move Viktor.”

As I once again stepped aside, this time to call Raven, Talia returned, holding Viktor’s jacket with a gloved hand. We kept plenty of disposable non-latex gloves around for examining evidence and anything else that might come up. Morgana took the jacket as Raven answered.

“Hey, Ember, what’s shaking?”

“I have a big favor to ask, and it could be dangerous. Hell, it is dangerous, but we need you, Raven.” I explained what had happened to Viktor and how we would probably need to travel into the Underworld to find him. “We could use a good bone witch with us.”

I could feel her hesitation, but then she said, “I’m on my way. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Kipa’s here and he’ll come with me. What should I bring?”

“Let me ask Morgana.” I turned back to the table. “Raven wants to know what she should bring with her. And Kipa’s coming too.”

“Kipa cannot enter the Underworld,” Herne said.

Morgana shushed him. “He’s right, but that’s no matter. Ask her to bring her heart-gift from Arawn.” At my questioning look, she added, “Like the necklace I gave you representing your pledge to me. She’ll have a heart-gift from Arawn. And also, the one from Cerridwen, for the Keeper of the Cauldron of Rebirth has free rein in the Underworld. They may offer some protection. I don’t know.”

I nodded and went back to my phone call. “Your heart-gifts from Arawn and Cerridwen, Morgana says.”

“I’ll see you as soon as we can get over the bridge.” Raven signed off.

I turned back to the others, only to see that everybody had backed away from the table, giving Morgana room to cast her spell. I quietly took my place beside Herne, waiting.

The casting of spells varied depending on the spell-caster, but this was new for me. I had watched Raven cast her spells, and Marilee, and even Angel, as she was learning. I knew how I cast my own spells. But I had only seen Morgana cast a spell once, and I was curious to see what she would do.

Morgana spread the jacket on the now-empty table and took the glass of water that Talia handed her. She trickled it out of the glass to encircle the coat, making certain there wasn’t a single space left in the line of the circle. Next, she set a bowl from the cupboard on the center of his jacket and filled it with more water. Holding out her hand, she closed her eyes and whispered an incantation. A smooth, large pearl appeared in the center of her palm. It was as large as a marble, and more Copyright 2016 - 2024