Austin - Piper Stone Page 0,73


I nodded. “He was a charmer. Just about to graduate and ready to take the world by storm. We dated on and off for a few months. Then he took a job in Chicago, returning a little over a year later. On that very night he asked me to marry him. I said no. I had dreams of my own. The man was persistent. Four years later I said yes. I’m not entirely certain why.”

“Sometimes people don’t want to be alone.”

Laughing, I tilted my head, admiring the view, my heart fluttering. “I assure you that the only reason Mitchell was so dead set on marrying me was because we looked good together on paper and in glossy pictures. He was already a celebrity in several states because of his ruthless nature, earning six figures. He merely needed to be married to complete his polished persona. I think I just gave in. There was some chemistry but now that I look back on our relationship, we never loved each other. For me, I don’t give a crap what a man earns. I need a partner who makes me swoon.” Inhaling, even his rugged scent was enough to do just that. “And I’m babbling.”

“I like to hear you talk.”

“You mean since you’re not a big talker.”

He grinned as he opened the fence gate, ushering me inside. “I prefer observing. You can learn a lot about a person by their mannerisms.”

There was still such sadness in his voice but the moment he walked into the barn, even the horses sensed his presence and Vader’s expression changed. He was in his element, nurturing and loving. The dichotomy was fascinating.

“By the way, I really can’t ride. After today, I’m terrified I won’t be able to hold onto the reins.”

He reached one of the stalls, unlatching the gate. “You’re not going to have to, Franny. I’ll be the one navigating. As I said, trust me. Nothing is going to hurt you ever again, no matter what I have to do in order to protect you.”

They were words that sent a shiver into my heart, evoking emotions that were difficult to describe.

With one exception.


I wasn’t just falling for him. I was one hundred percent in love with the brutal, caring, yet closed-off man.

I watched as he saddled the beautiful black horse, the lovely white star on the creature’s forehead stunning. When he was finished, he took my hand, pulling me toward the horse. “This is Marko. He’s a gentle giant.”

“Marko. You’re gorgeous, baby.” Vader didn’t need to encourage me to pet him. As I rubbed the horse’s nose, the creature lowered his head, issuing several whinnying sounds.

“Lead him out of the barn,” Vader instructed.

I grabbed the reins, surprised when the horse came without pulling. As I walked out of the barn, the beautiful sunset the backdrop, I took a deep breath. Maybe a change in lifestyle was exactly what I needed.

Vader didn’t hesitate, lifting me into the air, helping me over Marko’s back. Then he climbed on behind me, pulling us together. The feel of his muscular legs against mine, his cock pressed into my bottom was almost as exciting as the anticipation of the ride itself.

“Now, just relax. We’re going to have a nice, easy ride.”

After he coaxed Marko out of the barn, leading him through the gate, he forced me to take the reins but kept his hands over mine.

“Pull the left and he’ll go left. It’s that simple.”

“Easy for you to say,” I half moaned but tried to do my best. I remained tense, but the closeness of Vader’s body not only kept me warm in the slightly chilly air but also inflamed the desire just below the surface. “Where are we going anyway?”

“There’s a pretty little spot not too far away. Just keep following the fence.”

We both remained quiet, the ride allowing some of the tension to fade away. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the experience, the view of the mountains one of the most incredible sights I’d seen. Maybe I’d taken them for granted, not paying attention to their majestic beauty, especially with the fading sun as a backdrop. I took a deep breath, the crisp air and the fragrance of hay and flowers mixed with his all male scent, filling my nostrils.

As we passed by several other barns as well as what looked like a large ranch house, I finally gathered a sense of why both Vader and Hawk loved the place. There was livestock in several fields, several Copyright 2016 - 2024