Austin - Piper Stone Page 0,72

before answering. “His death almost broke each one of them in different ways. That’s what’s happening with Vader. Until he comes to terms with his guilt, he’ll continue to have sleepless nights. But I wouldn’t worry. With you by his side, he’s going to be just fine. That is as long as you fight for his love.”

“Fight, huh?”

“They aren’t easy men to love. Let’s face it. They’re gruff and still prefer hunting down danger rather than living a normal life. They act as if nothing bothers them when it’s easy to see they’re really creampuffs inside.”

I lifted my glass. “You are perhaps one of the smartest chicks I know.”

Her bright smile held a hint of mischief. “Just observant as hell, another thing that drives my man crazy. Now, stop letting the ugliness on the news bother you. It’ll blow over.”

“What the hell am I going to do with my life?”

“Well, just let me know if that ex-husband of yours gives you any trouble. He and I have tangled before and he’s been on the losing end.”

I narrowed my eyes, instantly remembering a series of pretty nasty articles she’d written on him. “Oh, my God. You’re that reporter, the amazing and very talented writer who put the horrible man in his place.”

“Guilty as charged. It’s fun to dig up dirt on your adversaries.”

I thought about what she said and smiled. “You and I might have to chat one day.”

“Any time. I loathe that man with a passion.”

“So do I.” As we laughed, clinking glasses, I heard the sound of boots heading in our direction. Vader, leaning against the doorway.

“Look, Mommy. It’s the painted man,” Ashley said as she pointed.

“Ashley, honey. That’s not nice,” Bryce said, rolling her eyes so only I could see.

“Oh, I call him that all the time, sweetie,” I said as I gave him a hard onceover. Hard-bodied.






A series of tingling sensations rushed into me.

He grinned, flexing his arms on purpose. I was surprised at the way he reacted around the little girl, his eyes always twinkling. As he sauntered closer, he switched his attention, his eyes locked on mine. “I thought you might like to go for a ride. You know, cowboy style.”

“On a horse? Um, I would except I can’t ride.”

“Piece of cake. You know where to go, Vader,” Bryce said, and I swore the woman was purring.

I wrinkled my nose as I glanced at her, more lighthearted than I thought I could be. “Speak for yourself. I was tossed onto a massive steed one day and when the terrifying beast took two steps, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Of course, I was maybe seven at the time.”

Both Bryce and Vader laughed.

“You live in Montana, girl. I’m from a big city and know how to ride. I think you’ll have your hands full, Vader. Show her the ropes. Come on, Ashley. Why don’t you help Mommy start dinner?”

“Yay!” Ashley clapped her hands.

As Vader approached, I could see that horseback riding wasn’t the only thing on his mind. “Come on. You need to learn to trust me.”

“I already told you, I do with my life.”

He kept his gaze for a few seconds, as if he wasn’t certain whether to believe me.

Then he led me outside, and I did something I thought he’d jerk away from. I reached for his hand. When he squeezed my fingers, a moment of lightheadedness sailed into my system. We were both quiet as he headed for one of the barns, the walk allowing me to get a really good look at the ranch. “This is beautiful.”

“Hawk’s done a lot of hard work. Maybe one day I’ll own a place like this.”

“Is that what you want to do, ranching?”

“I don’t really know, Franny. I haven’t figured that out yet.”

“You will. When the time is right, you will.”

“Did you always want to work in politics?”

“Hell, no. I just fell into the career in truth. I wanted to be a writer, an author of fabulous books that would put me on the charts.” I laughed softly. That seemed like a lifetime ago. “But I went to law school instead, a decent job to keep a roof over my head.”

“Then you should do it, becoming an author I mean.”

“Are you suggesting my career is gone?” While I was teasing, I could see how much my words bothered him.

“No, Franny. I’m saying life is short. You should do what you want to do, what makes you happy. Is that where you met Mitchell? Law Copyright 2016 - 2024