The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,92

blinking out of his daze and looking away.

I frowned, but didn’t question his sudden understanding, and looked out the window just as we pulled up into Kingston Corp. I tried – and failed – to keep the excited grin off my face as Adrian and I stepped into the elevator that would take us up to my old workplace, and I let out a contented sigh once the elevator dinged open. Adrian looked down at me with an amused smirk, and chuckled once I beamed back at him.

“Go and surprise Suzie,” he told me, taking the box I was holding and nodding in the direction of Suzie’s office. “I’ll take care of your things. She didn’t think I could get you to come back.”

He gave me a wry, smug smile, clearly proud of himself. I was in too good a mood to snipe at his arrogance, so I just grinned before making my way over to Suzie’s office. I knocked softly, and opened it once I heard her familiar ‘Come in.’

“Suzie,” I opened with a very official tone, as if it was just another day at the office, “I was just wondering if you’ve received the paperwork Mr. Kingston placed on your desk from me in regards to how much I’ve missed you?”

Suzie’s head snapped up from the papers in front of her with lightning speed. “Oh, Emily!” she squealed, getting out of her seat.

I broke out into a wide grin and walked over to meet her halfway. She pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, making me return the gesture. “You’re back! I didn’t think you’d come back after the way he treated you! But you’re back! I’m so happy!” She tightened her grip around my waist with every heartfelt line and mumbled into my shoulder, “I’ve missed you so much, dear!”

I grinned and pulled away. “I’m back! And I’ve missed you more! How is Richard?” I asked.

Suzie was still grinning as she took her seat again. “He’s well, dear. He’ll be delighted to hear that you’re back!”

I was just beginning to laugh when her phone started ringing, and she answered it instantly, “Kingston Corp.” She nodded at whoever was on the other end of the line, looked up at me knowingly, and broke out into another grin.

“Of course, Sir,” she said before hanging up the phone and turning her attention fully on me. “Emily, Mr. Kingston said sorry to cut our reunion short, but he needs you in the office.” She beamed brightly, and I nodded and waved before exiting her office.

As I walked down the long hallway, I recognised the familiar faces of the others that I used to work with. They all waved and grinned as I walked by, and I returned the gestures before I made it to Adrian’s office.

“You needed me?” I asked, shutting the door behind me.

“More than ever, Shortcake.” He smirked, and I squealed in shock once I realised he was right next to me. He chuckled before pulling me into his solid torso. “I’ve missed this,” he murmured into my hair, making me blush.

I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off by a sharp knock at the door. Adrian didn’t bother letting go of me – even though I tried to wriggle out of his solid grip.

“Enter,” he said as I squirmed.

The door opened and revealed another familiar face, Daniel, whom I’ve worked with before. He came in with a stack of folders and a USB drive in his hands. “Mr. Kingston, these just arrived from the Harrison Company, sir. They said it was urgent and – Emily? Is that you? Hey! You’re back!”

I grinned back at my colleague. “Hey Daniel! How have you been?”

“Yeah, yeah, great!” he replied excitedly, the smile on his face growing wider. “What about you? You’re back!”

I laughed and nodded, still aware that I was in Adrian’s arms – arms that had become noticeably tighter once Daniel and I began interacting. “Yes, I’m back, and great, thank you for asking.”

“That’s great! Hey, we should catch up tonight over drinks or something,” Daniel suggested.

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by Adrian pushing me behind his tall, broad figure. “Just give me the fucking files and leave,” he snarled at Daniel, who suddenly tensed in shock.

Daniel hurriedly passed the files and the USB stick over to Adrian in fright, before casting a brief look over in my direction and calmly walking out of the office.

“What was that?!” I exclaimed as Adrian slammed the Copyright 2016 - 2024