The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,91

fell once again that morning, turning to a guilty one before he covered it up with a false look of confusion. “What? I didn’t say that,” he mumbled, running a hand through his messy hair.

I tried to avert my eyes from his locks, before snapping out of it and glaring at him. “Adrian! That night when I lost my keys, you purposely hid them from me?!” I exclaimed, giving him a look of disbelief.

“Pft, of course not! Oh, would you look at the time! I need to go get my clothes and come back so we can watch movies and eat lunch together before-”

“Adrian!” I snapped, cutting him off.

He let out a defeated sigh before giving me a guilty smile. “Okay, yes. On the night of the business dinner, I took your keys out of your bag and put them in a pocket on my door so that you could come home with me. But it’s not my fault! You looked hot; I had to see more of you!”

His poor but flattering defense made me blush while I glared at him. I shook my head and hit his bare shoulder, my blush deepening as my hand came in contact with his bare skin.

“You’re an idiot.” I tried to scowl, but it came out as more of a smile as he broke out into a goofy, lopsided grin.

“Only for you, Shortcake.” He smirked, sneaking another kiss on my cheek before leaving the kitchen. I bit my lip and sighed to myself as I felt his kiss linger on my cheek for longer than necessary, before following him out.


“Thank you for hiring me, Mr. Cooper,” I said for what must have been the nth time. “It was a pleasure working for you. It’s just… this job is more suited to my qualifications and I believe I can achieve more if I’m working there.” I finished with a smile that turned out more like a grimace.

“Oh, but Emily,” Mr. Cooper gave me a sad look, “It was so nice having you around. You really brightened up my day. Please stay…” his voice trailed off, and he seemed so sincere that I began to feel guilty. Maybe I could work two jobs…

“She’s coming with me,” Adrian snapped, coming up to stand beside me and pulling me into him protectively. “Now, unless you want me to put in a restraining order, I suggest you sign the papers so we can be on our merry way, old man.”

Mr. Cooper glanced at Adrian, then at me, and back again at Adrian’s intimidating figure. His wary gaze lingered there for a second longer before he sighed and pulled the forms closer towards him. I snuck a look up at Adrian, who was already looking down at me with a stern expression, and I bit my lip to stop a laugh from escaping from in between my lips.

Last night, Adrian had insisted that he come with me this morning to quit my job in case ‘Handsome Mr. Cooper gave me any trouble.’ When Adrian’s eyes landed on Mr. Cooper, his expression was beyond priceless, and he gave me a weird look before asking me if he was the type of man I was into. I nodded and told Adrian that Mr. Cooper was the reason I was never interested in Adrian.

He almost believed me; but I burst out in laughter shortly after my response, making him roll his eyes.

“Done,” Mr. Cooper said as he handed me the papers to let me leave work. “I really hope to see you in the near future, Emily.”

“Uh… sure,” I smiled tightly. “Maybe one day.”

Beside me, Adrian stiffened and glared at Mr. Cooper, then led me out of the small, cramped office.

Once we were in the car and driving back to Kingston Corp., Adrian turned and gave me the same stern look he gave me in the office. “You were about to agree to work for him!” Adrian exclaimed.

I opened my mouth to deny his accusation and shut it once I realised he was right. “I felt really bad,” I said softly, thinking of the frail old man again. He may have been creepy, but he was still old and fragile. He needed all the help he could get.

Adrian’s angry expression instantly transformed into one that made my breath hitch in my throat. This was the same one he had given me on the beach in California, where his eyes were soft and his expression unreadable as he looked at me.

“Okay,” he mumbled, Copyright 2016 - 2024