The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,166


Amy and Blake trailed in after him; Amy looking down at her feet and Blake glaring at the back of Allen’s head. My eyebrows shot up in surprise as I examined the situation more closely, before putting a mental reminder to ask Amy about that later.

“Mate, have you seen your own reflection lately? You always look like shit,” Adrian fired back, smirking slightly before grimacing in pain. “Can I get some water?” he asked no one in particular.

Katherine nodded eagerly before anyone else had the chance to react to the question, and was out the door as soon as it was mentioned.

“I’m glad you’re okay Adrian,” Amy finally spoke up, looking up at him. My eyes immediately looked over at Allen and Blake, who were both watching her before meeting each other’s gazes and glaring.

“This is the part where you’re supposed to say you don’t know how your best friend would last without me, and then I agree with you and bring up the solution to that,” Adrian continued for Amy, who gave him a confused look.

I mirrored her expression as he tried to reach out to take hold of his suit jacket. “Allen mate, for once in your life stop being a useless prat and give me my jacket.” Adrian ordered sarcastically, giving Allen an annoyed glare.

Allen laughed before throwing the jacket at Adrian’s face. “Fetch, injured doggy.”

Adrian scowled. “Idiot.” He shoved his hand into the inside pocket of his jacket and began rummaging for something as he spoke up. “Emily, come here for a second. I need your help.”

Frowning curiously, I made my way over towards his battered figure, taking my previous seat beside him. “What’s wrong?”

“This near-death experience made me realise something-”

“You were nowhere near death,” Mason scoffed from the opposite end of the room. “Stop being a pussy.”

Adrian glared at his father before turning back to me and continuing. “Okay, I lied. I was going to do this whether I was in a car accident or not. I’ve just come to the complete realisation on how I feel about us.”

My eyes went wide and I instantly stiffened in my position. “Are… Are you breaking up with me?” I whispered, not trusting my voice in front of everyone.

“What the hell, son?” Mason exclaimed, taking a step closer towards the bed. “Are you crazy?”

“Don’t you dare break my best friend’s heart, you prick! If that wasn’t your death bed; I’ll make sure it is now!” Amy scowled, also taking a step closer towards Adrian.

Adrian sighed, looking over at all of them. “I really didn’t want to do it in front of all of you,” he grumbled irritably, shooting them a stone cold glare and shutting them up completely.

“Adrian… If this is about Rita-”

“Let me speak!” he snapped, before letting out an impatient sigh. “Fuck it. Emily, Marry me. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else but you. I was trying to make a romantic speech but they all killed my mood; so that’s as romantic as it’s going to get.”

Adrian pulled out a small, navy coloured velvet box from beside him and popped it open, revealing a platinum engagement ring with a square diamond the size of my fingernail.

“What did I miss – oh my god.” Katherine came to an abrupt halt at the doorway as her eyes landed on the navy box Adrian was holding, her eyes widening as she looked over the piece of jewelry again. I turned back to observe the expensive looking engagement ring myself.

“Adrian…” I trailed off, tears springing to my eyes. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to stop it from wobbling and nodded as a smile tugged itself at my lips. “Yes, I’ll marry you,” I whispered, my smile turning to a full outward grin.

Adrian fist-pumped with a pained expression before slipping the huge ring onto my finger and slouching back onto the bed looking worn out. “Finally. If I knew you’d accept this quickly, I would’ve had a car accident sooner,” Adrian grumbled, before sending a slight smirk in my direction.

I choked on my tears before slapping his arm softly. “Stop being an idiot.”

“Can this idiot at least get a post proposal and car accident kiss?” Adrian grinned with a cheeky glint in his eyes.

My smile didn’t leave my lips as I leaned in and placed my lips over his, pulling away and blushing once a collective groan erupted from the room.

“MY BEST FRIEND IS FINALLY ENGAGED!” Amy squealed suddenly, running over Copyright 2016 - 2024