The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,165



“I’m sorry Miss, only family is allowed-”

“I’m his girlfriend. Let me in,” I snapped, glaring at the nurse angrily.

Her eyebrows widened in shock before she stepped aside. “I’m sorry.”

I ignored her and rushed into the small hospital room; instantly coming to halt once I almost collided into a doctor who was standing at the end of the hospital bed.

He turned to me just as he flipped the pages back onto the clipboard. “Emily Johnson, I presume?”

“How… how do you know me? How is he? Is it bad?” I asked, my tone growing desperate.

The doctor turned to face me fully. “I’m Dr. Langston. Mr. Kingston is in a stable condition. He just has a minor concussion, a few broken ribs, a broken wrist and a broken leg and heavy bruising; but he should be fully recovered over the next few months. He was asking for you before the medication took over.”

We both looked over At Adrian’s sleeping figure, which had a bandage wrapped around his head and wrist. His leg was also wrapped and elevated from the bed and purple splotches covered whatever skin was uncovered.

I temporarily forgot about Dr. Langston’s figure beside me and instantly made my way to Adrian’s side as I observed his injuries at a more detailed level. His bottom lip was slightly swollen and his shoulder also had a bandage covering his skin.

Guilt replaced any blood running through my veins as tears sprung to my eyes. I recalled the conversation over the phone earlier. It was all my fault that he had an accident; all because I was too stubborn to temporarily agree with him over the phone until I had the chance to discuss it and change his mind in person. I grabbed a hold of his uninjured hand and entwined our fingers before kissing his knuckles softly.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

Somehow, I had fallen asleep with Adrian’s hand still intertwined in my own and my head resting on the edge of the hospital bed; waking up to the sound of a woman letting out a wail before my body was engulfed in a hug.

“Emily, thank god you’re here. His doctor isn’t here and the nurses here are useless. Is my son okay? What happened?” Her voice was thick from tears, and I pulled back to see a bloodshot-red-eyed Katherine, with Mason lingering in the background.

“I… He has a broken leg and wrist, and broken ribs. The doctor said he should recover over the next few months…” I trailed off, biting my lip and looking over at Adrian’s bruised sleeping figure.

“Has he woken up at all since then?” Katherine asked.

“I have. Can you guys talk any fucking louder?” Adrian groaned, making all three heads snap back to look at him. “Turn off the lights too, dammit. What does a guy have to do around here to keep his sight?”

“Adrian.” I breathed, tears springing to my eyes once again. I rapidly blinked them back in and mentally scolded my period for creating such crazy mood swings.

“Has the accident made me someone else? Obviously it’s me. Unless… shit how much damage did it do to my face? Who cares, I’m good looking either way.”

“Only my idiot of a son would say something like that after almost dying.” Mason chuckled. I looked over him to see relief hidden within his eyes even though he tried to make a joke out of it.

“Hey, I get my humour from you. Mother is too dry to be funny.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Katherine wailed, before gushing over to her son and pulling him into what looked like a painful hug.

Adrian let out another groan. “I’m fine. You can stop now.” His voice came out muffled and a smile made its way to my lips as he stiffly tried to pry his mother’s grip off himself with his uninjured hand.

“What the hell did you do to get into a car accident this severe!” she exclaimed angrily.

“I was speeding because I wanted to get to Emily as quickly as possible and kind of ran a red light…” He gave a sheepish smile to his mother before his gaze landed on me.

“Why did you want to get to me so quickly? I thought you were angry with me because of-”

“We got here as fast as we could! Is Adrian okay? Where is he? Shit, is he asleep – Adrian! Man, you look like shit.” Like Mason, Allen tried to make a joke out of the situation, although there was a serious demeanour to his Copyright 2016 - 2024