The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,126

he touch you? Did you touch him? I-”

“ADRIAN! SHUT UP FOR 5 SECONDS!” I finally snapped, glaring up at him.

Adrian’s mouth stayed open for a few seconds just as he registered my words, before he snapped it shut and glared in my direction. “Go ahead then. Explain,” he muttered, sitting in his desk chair with his jaw clenched.

“The day at my parent’s house. David called me-”

“How the fuck did he get your number? Did you give it to him?” Adrian asked in a demanding tone.

“Will you be quiet and let me finish the story?!” I exclaimed. His jaw clenched again before ne nodded for me to continue. I sighed before starting again. “When he called, he asked me to have lunch with him. I refused, obviously, and that’s when he blackmailed me by threatening Amy. Adrian, she’s my best friend. You know how much she means to me. So I agreed, just for her safety. He told me not to tell you or he’d find out and do whatever he had planned to her anyway. That’s why I didn’t tell you; I wanted to, but I couldn’t.” I looked down at my feet after that, too ashamed to look at Adrian after I realised how stupid I sounded.

I heard Adrian shift in his position and looked up from my feet just as he stood in front of me, catching me off guard. I yelped before my feet tangled themselves and I fell onto the plush carpet of the office. Adrian instantly began chuckling at my act of clumsiness before he scooped me into his arms and held me bridal style.

“Wow, you’ve really fallen for me, haven’t you?” he smirked, looking straight into my eyes.

“Shut up,” I mumbled, flushing.

His smirk grew before he placed a quick kiss on my lips. “I’m not taking back anything I said. But I understand why you did what you did. You’re forgiven.” Adrian nodded.

“Oh gee, thanks Adrian. That’s what I was waiting to hear,” I scowled.

“This doesn’t mean that fucking old prick is going to get away with this,” Adrian growled in a low voice, ignoring my comment.

“What do you mean by that? Don’t hurt him Adrian,” I warned, giving him a stern look.

He looked down at my face again before smiling. “Of course not, Shortcake. Not physically, at least.” Av evil glint shined in his eyes, and I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. “Did he ask you to go on another lunch date?” he asked.

I nodded. “A date, not exactly a lunch date though.”

“Excellent. Text him and say you accept the offer. Act the way you acted today, we don’t want him getting suspicious,” Adrian told me, shifting into a position where I was straddling him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck for support before frowning curiously. “What are you planning?” I asked, biting my lip.

“Don’t worry your beautiful head about it, Shortcake. Leave David Walter to me.” He smirked and pulled me in for a kiss.


“I hope you all enjoy your time here at Kingston Corporation. If you need anything in your new assigned area, just ask the head of the department and they should help you out. Have a lovely day.” I smiled at the small group of new employees before I began gathering their files and résumé’s off the desk in front of me.

The small group began to leave the room just after someone cleared their throat. I looked up to find Anna looking down at me. Her face didn’t wear the usual scowl I always saw on her lately due to the relationship between Adrian and me, and I instantly narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

“Hi,” she murmured in a low tone, avoiding my suspicious gaze.

“Um, hello.” The greeting came out as more of a question, and I bit my lip as I waited for her to reply.

“Look, I just really want to apologise for how I’ve acted towards you for the past few months. I was just jealous that Adrian was paying so much attention to you. I can see how much he likes you now, so… I’ve kind of gotten over it. I’m really sorry. I’m not saying we have to become best friends or bum chums or whatever. I just don’t want any bad blood between us…” She trailed off, picking at her maroon coloured manicure before looking me in the eye.

I frowned, surprised by the sudden apology but willing to accept it. I nodded at her. “Of course. It’s fine.” I smiled, deciding to forgive her.

“What?” Her eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024