The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,125

breath. “Well. I didn’t think you were that passionate about your relationship with your boss.”

I glared, not knowing where he was going with this conversation just as the waitress returned with our orders. “Here you go! Enjoy your meals!” She grinned, before walking away.

“I don’t think you understand what I am capable of, Emily. Amy is not the only person I can ruin. How are your parents doing? That little house they’re currently paying off is cute. It’d be a shame if an extra amount of money was put on top of their mortgage for them to pay off. And what about Blake? Such a good looking fellow. I don’t think-”

“I get it. You’re good at making threats. What do you want to achieve out of this?” I snapped with a glare.

“I want you to leave Adrian – just for one night! To go on a date with me.”

“No.” I shook my head instantly, not even bothering to think twice about the request. “You may be a powerful man, Mr. Walter. But I am certain that Adrian is much more powerful than you. One word to him and-”

“And how do you think he’s going to react to the fact that you – most probably, seeing as he actually let you come alone today – lied to him about meeting with me?” David asked, raising an eyebrow smugly.

My next response died in my throat before I could use it, and I frowned and bit my lip at the thought. “I’m sure once I explain to him why I did it, he’ll understand. I was thinking about Amy’s safety. That’s the only reason why I’m here,” I emphasized, glaring at him.

“Yes, yes. Of course he will,” David replied, smiling.

I frowned in confusion at his calm demeanour, just as my phone began vibrating on the table. Adrian’s name blinked back at me in bold letters, and I answered it instantly.

“Shortcake. How are things going with your friend?”

“Not so good. She turned out to be a conniving bitch with nothing better to do with her life other than taunt me.” I looked at David as I spoke those words, before getting out of my seat. “I’m heading back now. Do you need me to do anything for you before I go back to the office?” I asked, before placing a $10 bill on the table.

“So, remind me how this friend of yours looks again?” Adrian spoke up. I frowned at the same time I noticed the fact that the tone of his voice wasn’t his usual, playful one. It was cold, guarded.

I swallowed as my eyes went wide. “She has-”

“David Walter is a she, now? Wow. This is some very interesting news. Even more interesting than the fact that my girlfriend lied to me to meet up with him,” Adrian growled.


“What could you possibly say to cover this up, Emily? Get back to the office now. We’ll talk about this then.” Adrian snapped, before the phone call ended.

I looked at the phone helplessly before looking over at David Walter.

“Trouble in paradise? I wonder who would be cruel enough to tell him your location.” David shook his head, before a smug smile appeared on his lips. “Have a great day, Emily. Think about my offer. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

He took a sip from my glass of water before walking away, the smug expression never leaving his face.


“WHAT, WERE YOU THINKING?” Adrian roared once I entered the office.

My attempt to be silent failed miserably thanks to Adrian’s temper, and I frowned before shutting the door completely. “Will you calm down for 5 minutes and let me explain?” I demanded.

“I knew you were lying to me the second I saw your face at your parents’ house. Then you went ahead and made up that story about an ‘old friend’. Come on Shortcake, you told me yourself that the only friends you’ve ever made were the ones you’re still friends with now!” Adrian pointed out with a glare.


“So, naturally, I thought I’d agree to your little request just so I didn’t look like I was trying to control your life. Then, I get a phone call telling me you’re with David Walter, of all people!” he snapped.

“Adrian,” I tried again, getting angry at the fact that he wasn’t stopping to listen to me.

“Why him, Emily? The man is sick in the head? What could have possessed you to even agree to go near him, let alone have lunch? What else did you do with him? Did Copyright 2016 - 2024